Our Wedding Day

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(Image not mine)

(Twenty Months Later. I know it's a long time but bear with me.)

Peter is 27, Susan is 26, Edmund and Y/n are 24, Lucy is 20. (About nine years in Narnia)


I'm more nervous than I have ever been in my life. Even more than the night before our coronation. Or even more than during the battles I've fought in. And all I was doing was talking to Peter. I paced in front of the doors to the throne room, waiting for him to finish discussing business with some diplomats. I stopped as the large doors swung open and the diplomats walked out towards the entrance of Cair Paravel before I went inside.

"Peter!" I called for his attention and he dismissed his attendants. "Can we talk?"

"Sure, what is it? You look terrified."

I let out a nervous chuckle and directed him towards the terrace. I got a sense of deja vu when I realized this was the same spot I admitted to myself that I had feelings for Y/n. What a coincidence.

"Oh, there's Y/n," Peter pointed down at the lawn. "And Susan and Lucy."

I peered over the railing, "Looks like they're playing football."

"I haven't played that in years," Peter sighed and turned to me, "Now what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

I wrung my hands nervously for a moment before pushing them back down to my sides. I had to do this, I couldn't remember why, but I knew I had to. "I would be asking someone else, but seeing as he's not in this world, I've decided you're the next best thing. Kind of like an older brother."

"But I am your older brother," He raised a brow.

"No, not for me." I gestured down to the girls on the lawn. "For her."

He took a moment to understand, "For Y/n?"

"Yes," I took a deep breath, looking down at Y/n for a moment before meeting Peter's calculating eyes. "I love Y/n more than anything else in this or any other world, and I hope to spend the rest of my life proving that to her."

Peter's mouth opened slightly, just now realizing what I was saying. Before he could say anything, I continued.

"I'm here because I would like to ask Y/n to marry me, and I would be honored to have your blessing."

I felt a breath escape my mouth and with it a lot of my worries. I finally had it over with, and I was sure Peter would give us his blessing. I stared at him, waiting for his answer. But when he frowned my stomach dropped.


It took me a moment to process what he said. "No? Why not?" I demanded.

He sighed, "Ed, you're far too young to marry."

"We're twenty-four!"

"Which is too young! I know that you love each other dearly, but you should wait for a couple more years."

"We've been together for over six years. I'd say that's long enough. Besides, mum got married to dad when she was twenty." I reasoned.

"I don't remember that."

"Well, I do." I sighed and leaned on the railing, watching Y/n kick the ball with Susan and Lucy. "I don't need your blessing to marry her. All I need is for her to say yes."

"Edmund, I don't want you two to rush into anything."

"Peter, I'm not rushing." I turned back to him and fished a box out of my pocket. "I had this made months ago, I've waited long enough."

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