Prominence... (XIV)

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(After school as Riley tries out Ice Hockey against her opponents in the stadium)

Cyneric Gunvald: Hey Juxta!

Juxta: FRIEND!!!

Nene: At least you are here.

Jill Andersen: Oh hi there again.

Nene: Bumblebee and the rest have arrived. and the Jacks are busy playing football.

(Meanwhile, at the football stadium)

Strongarm: Looks like it's fun!

Mitch's sister: Hello!

Solus: Looks like I have watched again. Don't I?


Virska: Boo!


Solus: Silence. We are watching the football game.

Strongarm: Yeah. You are here. Arcee would be here. The blue-pink biker girl.

Solus: I know my flashack.

(In billion years ago from Solus' flashback)

Doctor: Solus G.'s blood type is A.

Nurse: Cause of that he is very suspectible to Coronaviruses and Ebola viruses

(flashback ends)

Solus: Cyneric's blood type is O. And few days ago. He was asymptomatic. Then he got better.

Virska: Oh my...

(In the bar)

Abe Baker: Wassup?

Solus: This prominence Nene and I would see about. Nene should head home to see Riley and Claire. *hic*  *drunken with a smile*

Raux: Yeah yeah yeah. *gets drunk*

(That night, at Military HQ)

Solus: Men and tomboys.

Soldiers of HQ: Reporting.

Solus: At least we will have military American Football exercise as a boot camp.

Female Soldier: Reporting for duty!

(Meanwhile, at the tree bench)

Nene: Mort.

Mort: What's it?

Nene: Clarinelle's alone without me.

Mort: Aww come on!

Nene: Riley's asleep.

King Julien: I am here!

Nene: Your majesty.

(That morning)

Po Panda: Master Shifu!

Shifu: What's that?

Saya Otonashi: Hagi...

Hagi: Mistress Saya...

Saya Otonashi: I had a past.

(Saya's flashback begins)

Saya Otonashi: Dark Danny...

Dark Danny: Haha, pathetic one... no one can destroy me! 

Hagi: Saya....

Saya Otonashi: He is using ghostly wail with Diva's blood. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!

(Dark Danny uses Ghostly Wail on Saya but it makes her amplify much further to be come Awakened Saya with berserk state)

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