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I woke up to something wrapped around my torso and almost immediately shot up to a sitting position causing whatever that was holding me to shoot up aswell.

I whined in protest when it latched back onto me, i grunted and wiped my eyes free from sleep.

I looked down while poking it's head repeatedly 
" Al. Al. Al. Al. Al, wake up. Used fucking tampon!? wake the fuck up this instant!" I shouted clenching my fists tightly and baring my teeth with a snarl

Al shot up alright, but he still didn't let go.

i don't like this, and i don't like it even more cause i actually do like the feel of it-

I pushed him away and sat on the bed end with my arms wrapped around myself tightly.

" Sweetheart, what ever has come over you. Come back to bed" I heard Alastor say as the bed shifted with him now sitting up with his palm up offering me a hand.

I looked back at him before standing up and shaking my head at him slowly.

" I don't want to." I said shortly before picking up my stuff and leaving as quickly as i could, i heard his footsteps coming after me so i sped up and bursted out of Alastor's room door and reeled back just missing Charlie.

" Klawn? what are you doin-"
I speed walked down the hall and right into my room, locking the door and sliding down it while gripping my chest where my so called heart should be.

" Why am i feeling like this? I should hate that bastard!?" I shouted and tossed my shit around before tossing myself against the wall, 

" I should hate him!?"
and over,

" I should want to kill him!?
and over,

" He hurt me! he broke my heart!?"
and over again.

I screamed and thrashed-

I hugged my knees to my chest.

" I have to move on. What happened, happened and i can't change it.....Move on. Things are different- But, things might be the same, everything might repeat themselves all over again and i might be placed in the same position i was in prior without another chance at escape--- What am i fucking saying!? I WILL make things different." I muttered to myself before standing up and walking over to my dresser.

I pulled out a bag of white powder and a rubber ducky from the first drawer and squeaked it smiling.

Ducky makes everything better!

And now here i was, struggling to open my room door while holding bags upon bags and trying to keep delusional Niffty from running down the hall and alerting the others of what i had done.

Trying to jam the keys in the keyhole didn't work. They slipped and fell to the floor, which I responded to by sighing and leaning my forehead on the door.

I grunted as I switched the bags to my other hand while looking for Niffty, my apparent daughter at this point.

" Niffty, can you grab the keys on the ground and open the door for daddy?" I asked while smacking my head against the door a few times.

A cough, that definitely didn't come from Niffty caught my attention. I turned my head and saw a unwanted red dressed man.

" Hello dearest, you look like you could use some help?" Alastor asked.

I slowly moved in front of Niffty, i gotta hide the evidence. He looked up at me, confused.

" Uh yea, but you want..?" You asked Alastor.

He let out an " Oh" before he started to explain himself.

" Well, darling, you rushed out this morning and it concerned me greatly to the point where it left me pacing my room until i heard the squeaking of your shoes return, i came out and saw you and dearest Niffty a-and ended up like this..."

I nodded a little, then motioned for him to grab one of the bags i were holding. 

I placed Niffty down onto my bed and tucked her tired form in before returning to the main room coming face to face with Alastor, i walked with Alastor to the front door. I stepped outside with him, keeping my foot in the door so it wouldn't close completely.

" Honestly, thank you, it was really nice of you to help." i said as he gave me a small smile.

" I don't mind, I had fun." 

We both stared at each other for what seemed like minutes before i spoke again.

" I'm sorry for what happened this morning, i don't have the slightest clue on what i was thinking about when i woke up to find you wrapped up around me like that-  just-" He cut me off before I could continue.

" It's fine dear, I-I just wanted to know if you would like to make what we have going on official?- I-I mean, I was wondering if maybe you would like to do it all over and start again?" Alastor asked with a flustered face and a nervous smile

I swallowed all my concerns and nodded and smiled. " That would be....nice"

Alastor x Male!Clown!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now