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I woke up with my eyes fluttering for abit trying to get used to the new light i was introduced to, i heard a noise from the direction of the door and looked over groggily yawning and laying there half on and half off the bed, lower was on while the upper body was off.

Was i awoken by the knocking at the door or the blinding light from the window i left uncurtained?

I groaned loudly and flailed my legs around before grunting and closing my eyes as i started to get comfortable in the new position i was in.

Then the knocking continued..

" Come in!" I shouted annoyed as i closed my eyes again and let out a sigh

I listened as the door opened and closed before footsteps walked there way over to my slumped body

" Your going to be in pain later, dear." I hear a static-y voice say, i huffed and turned my head 

" I am perfectly comfortable like this." I stated in the most certain voice i could muster, my back was starting to hurt though.

" If you say so darling, i was wondering if you would like to accompany me for lunch as an 'I AM Sorry' treat? i was going to ask if you wanted to go out for breakfast but you hadn't answered my knocking earlier and i didn't want to intrude...." Alastor said as he lightly kicked my shoulder with the toe of his polished shoe

" Get up."
I shook my head

" Please get up?" 
I nodded my head

I flopped my lower half forward and rolled my way to his feet, i sat on his shoes and hugged his legs.

" Sure! where to though?" I asked

" I shall meet you in the lobby, get dressed and come meet me" Alastor said before leaving quickly

I met Alastor in the lobby before we left walking side by side, maybe we could be friends again after all. Soon we arrived at a small danty restaurant that looked rather classy but still casual.

" T-T-Table for two?" The hostess asked when we walked up to the front desk.

" Yes please dear" Alastor said, nodding.

" O-Okay, follow me and I'll take you to your seats" She as she grinned, waving her hand for Alastor and I to follow her.

Once the two of us had sat down, I began looking at the menus. I already had no idea of what I wanted though.

" Al, what do you think i should get?" I asked, staring at my menu in confusion.

" Some of the omelettes are really nice"  Alastor suggested " The crepes are usually good, too." He continued.

" I'll just get pancakes" I decided, closing my menu in one swift motion and setting it on the table.

" Okay, darling" Alastor said with a chuckle, shutting his menu, as well, and placing it on top of mine.

" Hey, my name's James and I'll be your server for today" I suddenly heard which caused me to  look up and see a boy standing there with a notepad in his hands. " Can i start you off with something to drink?" He asked

" I'll have coffee, please" I said, turning to Alastor next, indicating that it was his turn to say what he wanted.

" I'll have what the gentleman's having" Alastor said in response.

James frowned a bit at Alastor's formal sounding voice, and I choked back my giggles.
" Are you ready to order, or do you need a bit more time?" James asked after he had composed himself.

"  I think we might be ready to order" I said to him. " Can i get the chocolate-chip pancakes, pretty please?"

" Ah, those are pretty sweet" James said as he grinned, writing down my order.
" Just like you"  He added on, giving me a subtle wink.

I bit back a frown, I don't mind being hit on but i do mind when the person I'm being hit on by is not that good looking and extremely the opera type, but I decided to not say anything about it. I noticed Alastors furrowed brows.

" Don't wink at him." Alastor said sharply. " And I'll have the green mint pancakes, thank you my good sir." He continued, picking up the menus and giving them to James.

I watched as James rolled his eyes and murmured something about being right back with our drinks before walking away, shaking his head.

" I don't like him." Alastor stated bluntly, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

" Why is that then? cause he winked at me?" I asked, smiling goofily.

" Yes." Alastor nodded. " Does he NOT see that your here with me?"

" I can't help the fact that i'm quite attractive" I said jokingly with a flick of my hair, trying to get him to calm down a bit, why is he getting all worked up for anyway? i shook my head thinking that i could just toss it off as his loneliness when i saw that this wasn't gonna go down like i thought, I sighed " Okay, there's no need for you to worry, not that i really understand why your getting worked up for. i obviously don't like him. if i did, i wouldn't be here with you now would i."

Alastor nodded curtly and uncrossed his arms before saying a brief  " Good."

Just then, James came walking back to our table with two mugs and a pot of coffee. He set them down on our table and walked away without saying anything.

" He seems better now" Alastor mumbled, pouring his coffee, while I laughed at my friend's weird nature.

Alastor x Male!Clown!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now