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...which i did...

I wandered around until coming across a dainty looking cafe, not to much people around and it looks pretty cozy too!

I entered and i head a glass smash, i gasped and saw a waiter standing there with her plate on the ground. I walked over and picked the pieces up dumping them into the trash quickly before tipping my hat to her " Good evening miss! Sorry about the slight scare before i do apologise for that! I'm just passing through is all and this fine smallish cafe caught my eye" I said with a smile which seemed to cam her nerves a tad, not much but somewhat some.

" O-Oh, Sorry! I-uh, would you l-like a s-s-seat?" She seemed to stutter out

I slung my hammer over my shoulder " Why not!"

She lead me to a table near the front windows an handed me the menu, i handed it back.

" Surprise me!" I said cheerfully, she stood there for a moment before nodding hastily and walking off quickly

I inwardly rolled my eyes. I tapped my chin and waited for something to happen and or her coming back...

This all reminds me of a story my mother once told me...In my own version of what she had told me way back when!

My Mama was on the main path heading home from a friends house late at night. She was walking in a really nice fitted black and cream dress. After a while this big built male started to walk next to her and as so he started performing some very rude gestures and being young and dumb, my Mama reciprocated the gestures. Then the man pulled up a big brown looking knife to the edge of his coat pocket. My Mama started panicking and sped up to get away and the man was following right along. Then the male tried to shove her off of the path to try and knock her down. She gets on the fork in the path which lead to home and he's still following her mind you. When she does get back to her house, which she shared with my grandparents at the time, she jogged into the front yard yelling and screaming trying to wake someone up. The man slowly walks into the driveway just as my grandfather comes out in his underwear with a gun. The man got scared and ran off. My Mama wouldn't leave her house for month except for school, but never at night.

I miss her so much yknow? She was-

" H-Here you go sir." The waiter had come back and given me a cup of coffee in a cardboard thingy of a cup and a small plastic packet of cookies! Yes!~

" My dear, this is amazing! oh do sit with me and we can chit chat!" I said flinging my hands up with each big word

She seemed very hesitant but none the less she did as told, we spoke about her job and her day with me cracking jokes and puns along the way.

She sighed and looked over at the counter seeing a pissed off old man with his arms crossed, i shook my head and chuckle.

" Well, it could be worse!" I said with a smile

" How could this get any worse?" She asked as he rolled his eyes at me--

--" An extermination could happen, the building could collapse, you could get killed, your boss could sack you, your boss could kill you, your boss could harm you in some way, you could be bored, your family and slash or friends could disown you, you could be lonely, you could be hurt, you could get your virginity back, you could be in Hell...oh wait! you are! haha!- what the...Uh?" I blinked confused, i was just with that nice lady and now I'm here, in a fucking hotel of all places...?

" And this lovely gentleman is Klawn!" I hear a familiar voice announce

I looked around and placed my packet of cookies into my pocket noting that i had lost my coffee but atleast i had finished it before appearing here, i am met with a few sets of scared/curious eyes and a flustered deer demon beside me, they all had wide eyes and mouths agape.

I sighed and bit my tongue lightly.

Now why would Alastor want to see me, even more so why would he bring me here when he knows that i rather not see him.

" It's so good to see all of you!" i said while forcing a wide smile and a small wave

I noticed the princess starring at me

" The Trick Demon..." She said quietly, i smirked. My reputation carry's on!

" Well hello there handsome!" The white spider said with his eyes wider than the rest

" What- No, No, No?!" The grey female yelled

" The positivity is a plus." Alastor muttered with a wider grin

I look around and see Hells very own princess and then i am met with the eyes of Alastor, i hold my wide smile and chuckled a bit too forcefully

" So, what shizzle do you have in store for me this time? lets hope its not pointless again!" I asked harshly but still cheerfully

Alastor rubbed the back of his neck blushing lightly " I need your help with this seemingly small hotel, just with lifting the patrons moods, entertaining the masses and to be my right hand man of course! It certainly will be something entertaining!"

" Entertaining you say?" I hummed tapping my chin and nodded my head giggling

" Of course! It surely will be the most entertaining entertainment of the century!"

A certain pinkish white spider laughed in the background causing me to look over

" Buggy gotta hushy before i snappy and hurty you" I said with a giggle

" Feisty~" He said with a hand on his hip winking at me

" Now." I said while looking at Alastor who was biting his lip " Gonna send in some more help muffin or are you just gonna stand there and look pedophilic ?" I asked with a tilted head

" O-Of course!" Alastor stuttered and snapped his fingers

I kinda just tuned everything out as i studied Charlie, she sure looks like a keeper!

Alastor x Male!Clown!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now