Black Widow or Cat Woman?

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KatelynBurrows and Softballfreake_07 READ BELLOW

This update it for Softballfreake_07 for all the many many votes i love seeing them and knowing that yall like it! And KatelynBurrows for reading for four hours and commenting! Sorry i had to break youre reading streak!!!! <3<3<3<3<3

The last week had gone by well, with surprisingly no retaliation on Chastity's part. Maybe she had moved on to somebody else? Well if she did it's not my problem. I thought happily, I was more than glad to be rid of her.

Caleb grabbed my arm and tugged me closer, tucking me under his arm as we walked. We had gotten closer lately, more kisses shared, and if anything he was more possessive, much to Drew's dismay, and thankfulness on the later.

"I'll call you tonight alright?" I smiled and kissed him goodbye before he ran off with Drew, they were all having a guy's weekend away, well weekend and Friday, on the promise that both of them would behave, and vice versa, they agreed to go. Smiling I ran over to Jude's car where he and Gwen sat awaiting. It's not that I wasn't sad to see them go, but at least id have some uninterrupted time with my friends.

Laughing we walked into school only to split of to our separate classes right away as we were running late. "Catch you before third!" I called out to Jude, walking swiftly down the hallway.

"You wanna say that again?" I froze at the sound of Chastity's voice. It had the vicious tone to it that I was so used to hearing. Yet this time it wasn't directed at me.

"I- I didn't mean-" a small voice stuttered back.

"You didn't what?" She spat back, I could practically hear the other kid shudder. "That right," She said once he remained silent. "Next time I say I want my homework done by fifth period all I want to hear is 'yes Chastity.' Are we clear?"

"y-yes Chastity." I shook my head at her antics, peering around the corner to see two jocks and Chasity in front of a shaking form at the lockers.

"Good." Stepping back she turned to her minions, "Now I think Jesse needs a taste of what happens if my homework doesn't get finished." With that she walked away with flourish, making me duck out of sight. Peeking back around I saw the jocks step closer to the now trembling boy.

"What do you think Jack, should we teach him what happens?" A sick grin spread across who I'm assuming was Jack's face. "I think we should Kieran."

Before I could even breathe in a breath to protest, Kieran's fist flew into the boys stomach, making him bends over, attempting to gasp in air. Only to be pulled up by his collar and slammed back into the locker, his head hitting with a bang. Without thinking I lurched forward.

"HEY!" The jocks turned in surprise before narrowing their eyes at me.

"Get lost home wrecker." Jack said, still holding the boy against the lockers.

"Let him go." I don't know where this confidence came from.

They chuckled a dark chuckle, turning back to the kid, Jack raising his fist while the boy attempted to block his face for the oncoming hit. Without considering what I was doing I jumped forward and grabbed Jack's arm and pulled, making him stumble back before turning on me, his eye's showing the anger he felt at being interupted. I backed up only to hit Kieran's chest, making me spin to face him. One of his hands help the boy against the lockers while the other shoved me back into Jack, whose hand clamped down on my arm painfully. Without thinking, all the days of fighting with my brother came back to me. Spinning quick i let my fist fly, hitting Jack in the eye. Spinning back to see Kieran holding the boy by his neck against the locker, his back to me. I kicked between Jack's legs from behind...hard. Kieran dropped to the ground, mouth open in a wide O, eyes clenched shut in pain. The boy from the lockers looked up shocked. While Jack stared at Kieran with h9is good eye in shock. Before either could come to their senses I grabbed the boys hand and pulled him into a run down the hallways.

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