An agreement

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I slapped the alarm off and sat up, rubbining the sleep out of my eyes. I stumbled out of bed and to the mirror. I looked over my reflection, and smiled when i looked at my lips. I brought a hand up and touched them gently, savoring the memory.  I had to look good today.   I skipped over to my closet and brushed through my clothes untill i found something that suited my mood. I pulled out my favorite dress, id only wore it once when i first got it, i wanted to save it for a date, but i couldnt resist. 

I slipped off my pajamas and stepped into the dress. I pulled it up and adjusted it untill it sat nicely on me. The top half was a fitting black top, and the bottom a bright floral skirt. It matched my mood perfectly. I spun in front of the mirror, loving how it twirled.

I brushed and curled my hair in loose ringlets, then brushed on a light pink shadow and winged liner, and light blush. I looked over myself in the mirror, and i felt good.  I smiled again, showing my dimples and practilly floated out the door and down the stairs. I gently pushed open the door, and sruted across the kitchen, making my grand entrance. I looked over at the boys who had stopped talking to look at me.

"Anyone in particular your getting dolled up for?  Anyone i need to threaten?"  Drew asked in between bites.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Nope, just feeling good." Shifting my gaze over to Caleb, i watched as his eyes traveled slowly up my body, ending with his eyes locked with mine, he winked, oh so nochalently.

I ducked my head, hiding my blush behind a curtain of hair. I popped a peice of bread in the toaster and grabbed the butter out from the fridge while the boys continued to chat and eat.

We small talked as we ate, i stold glances at Caleb the whole time. He would smile at me whenever Drew wasnt paying attention. He'd done it several times, but it still made my heart skip a beat everytime. We finshed up and i took to plates to the sink, i heard the kitchen door open and knew they had left. I shut the dishwasher and turned around, right into Caleb.

"Jesus! You scared the crap outta me!" I play slapped his chest.

He laughed and slid his hands around my waist, stepping closer, He leaned forward and paused an inch from my mouth, "sorry." Then we kissed, a long sweet kiss, he drew away slowly, looking at my eyes. I never noticed what a beautiful color his were, they were brown, with black spots, so unusual.

He took a slight step back and his face got serious. "You know we cant tell people about this, especially not Drew, atleast not yet." I nodded, "Yeah i agree, Drew of all people would freak, we'll wait."

He looked releived. I smiled and leaned in for a quick peck. "We better get going." He smiled and nodded and we walked out into the living room.

A/N:    Sorry guys i know this is a short chapter, and not a very good one, but i've been having serious writers block and i figured a short chapter would be better than no chapter at all since i promised you one. SO thank you for reading, and thanks to the people that liked the 'Point made' and Authors note chapters, it actually made my day :)  so thanks again and i hope you like it! Leave your comments, opinions, and ideas below, because id love to hear em!   Dont forget to vote!   :) <33

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