final prank prt 2

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Once I got into the bathroom I let put a shaky breath.  that was the most stupid, amazing, and scariest thing I've ever done. I barley finished that thought before the bathroom door burst open and I felt nails rake across my cheek.

I put my hand over my face in pain and looked up at Chastity. "Don't think I don't know that was on purpose! Do have a death wish?!"

"everyone is sick of your crap Chastity! maybe people wouldn't hate you if you were actually a decent person for once in you life!" I screamed back

A look of surprise flashed on her face, that is, before it was replaced by anger.  She slashed at my face again, but I managed to block this one. She let out a stream of curses as she slashed at me again and again. I managed to lay a few good hits in before Gwen burst in and pulled her off me, along with several female teachers.

Long story short, I ended up in the principals office and suspended for three days. 

When I was finally released, I made my way out to Judes car who had arranged to drive me home, knowing I'd need some time to prepare before Andrew got to me.


I took a deep breath before I opened the door and tiptoed inside, I had made it halfway through the living room before Andrew heard me "Kira. get in here."

I sighed and slowly walked I to the kitchen where both boys sat waiting on the stools,  looking serious. I kept my head down and leaned against the counter.

"Dumping food on Chastity?! really?!"

"it was an accident." I muttered

"oh well okay then how about the fight afterwards?! was that an accident?! Dang it Kira look at me!"

I lifted my head and looked at him, seeing the look of shock go across his and Caleb face, "she hit first,"

"holy cow Kira..." Caleb muttered.   I knew they'd react this way, and I couldn't blame them,  my face hang scratch marks going for my forehead to across my eye and over to my lip, not to mention the cut under my right eye.  Don't get me wrong,  Chastity walked out with a cut lip and a black eye, but the scratches she gave me did look pretty nasty.

"I get it okay, It was an accident, I already got suspended and I'll get enough of it over the phone with mom later." I looked at their faces and then shook me head. "I'm going to bed" with that I left the kitchen.

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it's a short chapter, but it's something :) hope you like! ! comment and vote! 

don't be afraid to give me suggestions, I love Em :)

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