Jude's return

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I shut the car door and walked into school behind Caleb and Andrew. once we entered the main hallway Andrew stopped and Caleb followed suit.

"Aww crap..." Drew sighed.

"What?" Caleb asked looking confused, he was so cute the way his eyebrows scrunched up.  I laughed quietly to myself.

"Plug your ears." Andrew said as he stepped aside.  I looked ahead, to see a pretty, brown messy haired, blue eyed boy standing in front of me, arms open.   I let out an ear piercing squel and lept into his arms, sqeezing tight.


He laughed and spun me in a circle, then set me down, still not leting go if my waist.

"Hey bug." He gave me a big white grin and i hugged him again.  Jude had given me that name when we were in second grade. He said it was because i had big eyes, but i think he was just trying to be mean. Either way we've been best friends ever since. We'd shared birthday parties and had sleepovers, shared food and secrets, and i always had somone to give me good guy advice, being one himself.  

"When did you get back from Hawaii? and nice tan by the way." I winked

"Last night, my mom said i could wait to go to school untill tomorrow but i had to see you." He stepped back and took a look at me, "looks like somebody lost weight." He smiled

"Why thank you sir." I turned around to face Caleb and Andrew, caleb looking dumbfounded and Drew slightly annoyed, he knew that Jude being back meant sleepovers again. "Caleb this is Jude, my bestfriend since second grade." Jude and Caleb shook hands. "And before you ask, yes, Jude is spending the night." I looked at Jude to confirm, he nodded a yes and i squeled again.

"Sheesh stop doing that, i can feel my ears bleeding," whined Drew, i stuck my tounge out. I turned back to Jude who offered my his elbow, "Shall we M'lady?

"we shall gracious sir." With that we walked down the hall to first.

A/N:   sorry about the wait, its been busy. But ill write when i can :)     

WHen the bell rang, signiling the end of the day i headed out to the parking lot and looked around untill i spoted Judes blue Chevy. I walked over and hopped in, sighing, that boy never locks his car.   I only had to wait a minute before the drivers side door opend and Jude got in, " i kow i know i need to lock my doors, i've already heard the speil mother."  He smiled at me and started the truck, i shook my head and turned on the music.  We poorly sang along untill we got to my house.

"Got any home work?" I asked, while opening the door.'


"Too bad." I laughed.   "Caleb were going up to my room!!!" 


Jude chuckled and led me up the stairs and into my room where he promptly flopped on the bed.

"So...how was Hawaii? How were the girls? anyone special?" I bombarded

"It was really good, the girls were either to hot to care or just simply hot.  No one special, but i did get a few numbers and hung out with this girl Sophia on the beach a couple of times."

"Oooooooh, what happened?" i laid down with my head on his lap.

"Nothing really just hung out and flirted...  What about you?" He asked, i bit my lip, not sure if i should tell him.

"So there is someone, so who is it. I know that look, your deciding weather oir not to tell me. I cross my heart i wont tell." He even did the motion.   I gave in.


"Ooh, the brothers best friend.  Does Drew know?"

"no! and he cant know!"   he held his hands in surrender, "I got you babe, wont say a word."

I smiled, "lets go watch some movies."

Caleb and Drew were already on the couch watching Kick Ass, taking up 2/3s of the couch.  Jude sat down and i lounged across his lap, with my feet resting on drews knee. I looked across to see Caleb scowling at my choice of seating. I rolled my eyes.

We watched the movie in silence. Once it was over the boys got up, "Im going to bed." Drew yawned," NIght" 

"Night," we all replied.  Drew climbed up the stairs, i could hear the click of his door closing.

"Im headin out," Caleb announced.

"Ill walk you out."  We walked out the door and stepped onto the porch where he turned to face me.

"Im not sure i like that Jude guy."  He said, irritation flashing in his eyes.  I rolled mine.

"Youve got nothing to worry about, he might as well be gay to me." I smiled and stepped closer so that our abdomens touched. "Besides, im all yours."

He smiled and bent down to kiss me. "Damn right you are" he said into the kiss.  I smiled and deepended it, stepping closer.  He tightened his grip around my waist and ran his tounge across my bottom lip. I gasped and he took that as an opportunity to let our tongues meet.   We continued until we were both out of breath.

"Well good night to you too." I said. He laughed. "Goodnight."

I walked back inside and flopped across Jude, "that goodbye took a long time.. i wonder why?"

I laughed, a giddy laugh. I was on cloud nine right now.

A/N:  sorry its been so long,  i tried to make this one longer and better to make up for it :)   i really hoped you liked it :)   remeber to vote and comment on anything,

Thanks for those of your who follow me and vote, it means alot <3

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