The Start of their Future

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****two weeks later****

I pulled Drew's tie tight as he buttoned up his new shirt bought special for the ocasion.

Tonight was graduation. The night the boys would be officially out of school and onto bigger things. Big things that are away from me.

Shaking the thought from my head I adjusted Drew's collar before he swatted me away. "I got it," he smiles through his words, "go get yourself ready, we're leaving in twenty minutes, and for once I can't be late."

Laughing at the irony of Drew finally being on time for his last school event I made a beeline for my closet.

Taking off my sweats I slipped the black high low dress on, securing the metal belt around my waist. I topped off the look with my natural wavy hair and a necklace to match the belt. Satisfied with the look I applied heavy mascara and light shadow and face makeup, wanting to look hot, but more natural.

Taking one last spin of satisfaction, I made my way downstairs, butterflies churning in my stomach knowing that Caleb would be waiting at the botttom.

A breath of air slipped past my lips as I took in my boyfriend. A smile creeping onto my lips at the word boyfriend. Blue eyes swept up my dress slowly, meeting mine in what I can only describe as a look of adoration.

Heat filled my cheeks as I took the last few steps. I took in his muscles that were obvious under the light blue button up that made his eyes shine even brighter. The dark blue tie I had picked out brought out specks of darker colors in his eyes, if I thought they were enchanting had nothing on they way they looked at me now.

"You look beautiful Kira." He whispered.

"I only hope to look good next to my incredibly handsome boyfriend" smiling I kissed his lips, letting myself savor their heat and feel before pulling back.

"But baby," my stomach flipped at the name, "I think it's the other way around." He lifted me off the step in a hug before setting me down gently.

"You guys ready yet?! I tried give you space but I'm getting impatient, and honestly grossed out."

Caleb and I both laughed at Drew before linking hands and heading off to the turning point in our lives.


I pushed my way through the crowds, slowly making my way to seating in the middle.

"Oof!" Stumbling back a step I looked up to see who I had stumbled into.
"Oh I'm....uh" i faltered, "uh, I'm sorry."

"Me too", she offered a smile that promised she still cares.

A sense of relief filled me, I never thought we'd be this good of friends, but I couldn't loose Gwen.

Before any more words could be said we launched into a hug. Squeezing tight I felt a tear try to escape. Blinking it back I asked her what I'd been dying to know. "How's Jude?"

She sighed lightly, "He's okay. Hurt. And missing you, though he refuses to admit it, but okay."

Nodding solemnly I looked around, finally catching a glimpse of him through the crowd, trying to act like he wasn't watching us.

"He asked me out."

My wide eyes snapped to her excited ones. I let out a girlie screech before wrapping her in another hug.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you guys." My smile faded to a sad one, "tell him I said that would you?"

She nodded a gave me one last smile before heading off in my ex-bestfriend's direction.

The past two weeks had been killer, not being able to talk to Jude, passing him in the halls and being ignored. I could tell it hurt him too, he wasn't my best friend for nothing. I knew his body language and when he was upset.

Shaking off the depressing thoughts I made my way to my seat, the crowds were settling down as the band began to play music.

Within a minute the graduating class filed down the walkway, craining my neck I saw Drew and Caleb, side by side as they headed up to start their future.

Sorry it's short but at least it's something! And good news, I have a plan for the next chapter...which will be the final one.

I love yall my lovelies! ♡♡♡

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