*Q and A*

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Would you follow me on instagram?
I would but I have my identity secret for a reason ;)

Do you plan your stories out of just write as you go?
Both. Well...I think about what I wanna write, a beginning, middle, and end. Then I just kinda write as I go to fill in the spaces in between :)

What was your inspiration for writing this?
I went on a bit of a #brotgerbestfriend bender and then after a while decided to wrote my own!

Are you single or taken?
Single! And SERIOUSLY ready to mingle!

What fandoms are you apart of?
Ooooooh... Harry Potter all the way (Dobby is definitely the best)
The Hunger Games (Gale fan...but Idk who doesn't live Peeta?)
Dave Franco...I think I would die if he even came within a 100 mile radius of me.
I'm sure there's more but I can't think at the moment...still stuck of thinking about Harry Potter ♡

What made you wanna write?
I've always lived to write..but I'd only get to the beginning of writing a story and then forget, so I decided I'd post one on here and if I had people relying on me than I'd be sure to finish it :)

Are you going to write another story after this?
Definitely. ..but I can't decide between werewolf...thriller...or action romance
What do you guys think?

Thanks for the questions guys I hope you got yours answered and if not feel free to private message me or comment!

Love you my lovlies! ♡♡♡♡♡

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