Part 16

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The next morning Killian walked outside letting out a sigh. He had always missed these moments, when he could watch the sunrise on the ship. He felt Milah behind him her hands on his side, she kissed his bare shoulder softly.
"Morning handsome." She said softly.
"Morning" He smiled moving his hands behind her to rest on her back.
"Mmmmm I missed you" She said resting her chin on his shoulder.
Killian turned looking at Milah.
"I've missed you more, I went crazy knowing you were dead." He said with a sigh. "When the time comes will you leave?" He asked.
'Why don't we go get some coffee."
"I know you love, your avoiding." Killian said, she took his hands in hers.
"I haven't decided yet." Milah said. "Can we still go get coffee?" She asked with a soft smile.
"I need to get dressed first" He said looking down at his chest.
"I think you look fine" Milah smiled Killian laughed walking back inside.
A half hour later they walked towards Grannie's , Milah playing with Killian's hook.
"Is this a hook from the ship?" She asked looking at him.
"Aye, not like I could really go to a blacksmith in the middle of the ocean." Milah laughed handing the hook back to him.
"When Bae and I first returned you spoke to him as if you knew him and not just as an acquaintance."
"When I was in Neverland we were on the ship and something fell out of the sky and into the water. It was a boy, we pulled him on board and got him warm. I remember thinking that how he looked like you, turns out it was Bae. We were close for a short time but..."
"What? Killian you can tell me" Milah said moving in front of him.
"I gave him to Pan, he's never much forgiven me since."
"You gave my son to Pan?" Milah said bitterly.
"I've regretted ever since, I was stupid and selfish. I should have never risked his life like that. I tried to get him off the island but I never found him on the island and was never able to get him."
"How did he get off the island?"
"You would have to ask him, I left before he did." Kllian said. "I'm sorry love" Milah nodded.
"It's alright, I'm just glad you told me." She said taking his hand. She led him into Grannie's and to a booth in the corner taking a seat.
"We could take this to go." He said with a slight laugh.
"Maybe I like sitting here looking at you." She smiled, Killian chuckled slightly watching the door.
He froze when the door opened and a man walked through.
"Liam" He breathed as Liam held the door open and their mother walked in. Milah turned looking towards the door.
"Is that your brother?" Milah asked.
"And my mother" Killian said standing up. "Liam" He said, Liam looked at him smirking slightly.
"Little brother" He smiled.
"At this point I think I'm about 300 years older than you mate" Killian replied, Liam laughed hugging him tightly.
"Missed ya brother." He said patting his back. Milah stood up watching the two brothers. "Who's this lovely woman?" Liam asked letting go of Killian.
"I'm Milah." Milah smiled holding out her hand. Liam took it kissing the back of her hand softly. "Oh a gentleman, you sure this is your bother?" Milah asked looking at Killian.
"Funny" Killian said looking at his mother who was standing a few feet away. "Mother" He breathed.
Milah pulled her hand away from Liam watching Killian as he and his mother watched each other neither of them saying anything.
"It's really you?" She asked reaching up to touch his cheek softly.
"I haven't seen since..."
"We were kids" Liam finished for him, Killian nodded.
"Whats happening Killian?" She asked. Killian looked at Milah.
"You were dead, both of you, but something happened and now those who have died have returned to a land without magic. Here." Killian explained.
"And who are you to my son?" Milah looked at Killian.
"Fiancee" Killian looked at her surprised but smiled.
"Yes, she is."
"I'm Clara" She said with a soft smile.
"Come on we can all go to the ship, The Jolly Rodger." Liam looked at him.
"You still have that bloody ship?" Liam asked.
"Of course" He smirked leading everyone out of the diner. "Milah"
"Yes" She said turning to them.
"If we're 'engaged' does that mean you made your choice?" He asked, smiling she leaned up kissing his cheek.
"Yes" She smiled looking him in the eyes.
"Yes what?" He asked Liam laughed.
"I think she's got you brother."
"Why I love her" Killian replied putting one arm around her, leaning in he kissed her softly.

When the dead come walkingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora