Part 3

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Killian and Milah stood under the streetlight till Emma, Neal and Henry were out of sight. Killian turned to her, without saying anything he grabbed her waist kissing her hard. She kissed back for a moment before pushing away. Grabbing his left arm she lifted his hand.
"The day you were killed Rumpelstiltskin cut it off trying to get the bean." Killian said laying his right hand on top of hers.
"I'm so sorry Killian you were never supposed to be a part of this." She said swallowing hard.
"I became a part of this the moment I took you onto my ship and away from Bae. I would have died if it meant protecting you." Killian said wiping away the tears that now silently fell.
"But your hand, you lost it because of me." Milah said trying her best to contain herself.
"It's only a hand, I've managed without it. Plus people call me 'Hook' now."
"Are you sure your okay?" She asked he smiled nodding.
"I'm fine love, better than that now that your here." He said kissing her forehead.
"I love you" She said looking up into his eyes.
"I love you too" He said slipping his hand down to take her hand. "Care to see our beloved Jolly Roger?" He asked she smiled and nodded as he led her to the farthest dock.
They got to the ship and Milah walked onto the deck as Smee came up on deck. He froze seeing her.
"Milah?" He breathed she smiled kindly.
"Don't ask questions, but yes she is alive. Could you give us some privacy?" Killian asked Smee nodded walking off the ship.
"It's good to have you back mam" Smee said Milah smiled.
"Still the same old Smee" Milah said with a laugh looking around the ship.
"It look just as it always did." She said looking at him.
"Just new memories, she's been a lot of places and traveled many sea's." He said laying his hand on the railing.
"She was always a good ship." Milah said taking a few steps to clear the distance between them placing both her hands on the railing on wither side of Killian hovering just above his lips while pinning him where he stood, he smirked moving his hands to her waist.
"I think I may need to be shown to my quarters captain." She said biting her lip.
"Right this way ma lady." He said lifting her up onto his pelvis as she wrapped her legs around him kissing him softly. He smiled under the kiss holding her close against him once again.

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