Untitled Part 21

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Regina, Daniel, and Robin walked through the small town of Storybrooke.
"This place is so strange." Daniel said as a car drove past, Regina laughed.
"You get use to it, but then you throw in Emma and I with magic." Regina said as they heart cries of helpo from a man. They ran ahead and Regina froze seeing her father.
"Daddy" She breathed, he was leaned against a building looking afraid.
"Regina" She smiled kneeling down in front of him. "Where is this place?"
"My curse worked, we're in the real World now. Your safe though."
"I've hurt my leg" He moaned, Regina looked down seeing his red ankle.
"I can fix it for you, but I would need to use magic."
"very well" He sighed letting her use her magic.
"All better" She smiled sweetly.
"You look beautiful sweetheart" He said looking at her.
"Come on let's get you up" She said standing to help him up.
"Here" Robin gave him a hand.
"Thank you" Henry smiled.
"Of course"
"Daddy this is Robin Hood and you remember Daniel." Regina said introducing them.
"Yes, and it's nice to meet you" He smiled. "What of your mother?"
"She's here, she stayed at my house with Robin's son" Regina explained. "She has her heart back"
"She does?"
"Yeah, she's so different."
"I never knew her with one" Regina nodded.
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH?" Someone yelled from down the street.
"Frankly I don't care" Grumpy replied as the groupd of them walked over.
"TELL ME WHERE MY DAUGHTER IS" The man screamed pulling a sword.
"HEY," Regina cried creating a fireball in her hand. "This is my town, get out of here Leroy" She spat the dwarf nodded. "Put it down" She said stopping a few feet away.
"Tell me where my daughter is" Regina's heart sank knowing that voice.
"I'm the mayor I can tell you anything you want King Leopold" The man stopped turning around to face Regina.
"Regina, what have you done with my daughter?" Leopold asked pointing the sword at Regina.
"I didn't do anything with her. In fact I could take you to her." Regina said making the fire disappear.
Robin reached out taking Regina's hand, she looked at him.
"Take me" Leopold pleaded.
"It's good to see you too husband" Regina scoffed leading everyone to Mary Margaret's apartment.
Knocking on the door she head Mary Margaret call to come in and pushed open the door.
"Regina hi" Mary Margaret smiled while she burped Neal.
"Snow" Leopold breathed walking in, Mary Margaret stood up as did Eva. "Eva"
"I didn't think you would show up" Mary Margaret said almost in tears. Regina took her arm offering to take Neal.
"Come here little man" Regina smiled taking Neal carefully as Mary Margaret and Leopold hugged.
"I never thought I would see you again" Eva breathed as her husband turned to her.
"Nor did I" Leopold said embracing her close.
"Thank you" Mary Margaret said taking Neal back. "Are you okay?" She asked looking at Regina.
"Yeah" Regina smiled as Robin laid his hand on her back.
"Wait you two like each other?" Henry asked.
"I mean we don't hate each other anymore" Regina said looking at her father.
"Who's this little one?" Leopold asked.
"This is your grandson Neal." She smiled holding Neal carefully.
"He's beautiful." Leopold said, Regina sighed looking at Robin.
"Right here love" He whispered she smiled letting him kiss her cheek.
The door opened again and Henry ran through them all and up the stairs.
"HENRY" Emma called after him but she was to late.
"What's going on?" Regina asked.
"Neal's, he went back, I went to say goodbye and when I came back Henry met me in the park. He's a wreck. I got him calmed down enough to get him home but as soon as we walked in the apartment his dad and I's song started playing on my phone and he ran here."
"Do you want me to go talk to him?" Regina asked.
"Why would you talk to him?" Eva asked.
"Because he's my son and It kills me to see him like this." Regina replied.
"Your Son?" Henry and Leopold both said.
"She adopted him, he's mine through blood but she raised him. Go"
"Why don't I take your father and Daniel back to the house, you need time with Henry and this is a family thing" Robin suggested.
"I" Regina started.
"Stay with your boy" Henry said she looked at him.
"I'll be there soon" Regina said hurrying up the stairs while her men left.
She sood in the doorway watching him curled up on the bed.
"Hey" She said he turned to look at her.
"Mama" He cried, her heart broke as she walked over laying down next to him letting her little prince cry into her.
Mary Margaret handed Neal to her mother before turning to Emma.
"Are you okay?" She asked, Emma shook her head shaking. "I'm sorry" She said hugging her tightly.
"It's never been this hard" Emma cried.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Mary Margaret asked.
"No" Emma cried, Leopold watched them.
"Go curl up on the couch I'll wake you hot coco with Cinnamon" Emma forced a smiled and moved to the couch.
"Who's that?" Leopold asked Mary Margaret in a low whisper.
"Oh sorry uh, Emma" Emma looked up eyes bloodshot. "This is my father King Leopold, dad this is my daughter Emma." Leopold looked between them.
"It's complicated" Mary Margaret laughed putting the milk on.
"Would it help you to talk about Neal?" Eva asked, Emma looked at her with a shrug.
"Not much to say but he was the first man I ever loved and the father of my son. He was an amazing man." She said with a soft smile through the tears. "We were really young when we met and I thought he was a**, but he turned out to be the best and worst thing to ever happen to me." Emma smiled softly.
"And you still loved him?" Leopold asked.
"With my whole heart."
Mary Margaret brought Emma the cup handing it to her. Emma smiled feeling her mother kiss her forehead.
"Neal said goodbye to Milah, that was the hardest thing I've ever had to watch. All I thought about was when I gave Henry up and I couldn't imagine doing it now." Emma said tears welling up.
"I know" Mary Margaret said softly, Emma looked at her.
"Mom" She cried standing up to throw her arms around her mother.
"I love you, you know that right?" Emma asked.
"I know sweetie" Mary Margaret whispered pushing away to look at her. Reaching up she dried the tears and brushed back Emma's blond curls.
"I love you too"

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