Part 15

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Regina glanced at the pictures covering her fridge; most were pictures of Henry, a few of the both of them, but some were pictures he had drawn in school. She smiled letting out a sigh seeing Danial in the corner of her eye.
"Glad to see my mother hasn't ripped out your heart yet." Regina said Danial nodded with a soft laugh.
"Henry seems like a great kid." Danial said taking a seat at the bar stool.
"He is, no matter how much he drives me crazy sometimes." Regina said leaning her elbows on the counter.
"You're a great mom" Danial said with a soft smile.
"I try my best" Regina sighed looking back at the fridge. "How can you look at me the way you did all those years ago?"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Because if you knew at all the person I was after you died you would hate me." Regina said avoiding his gaze.
"I could never hate you." He said taking her hand.
"Please don't, this makes everything so much harder."
"Sorry, but I don't hate you. Obviously you are trying to change because I only see the woman I fell in love with." Regina sighed.
"What I wouldn't give to be 18 again."
"Would you really? You would have never had this life if you went back and changed what happened. Besides we were pretty clueless back then."
"I find that hard to believe." Robin said walking into the kitchen with Roland.
"You should have known 18 year old Regina." Danial said with a smirk.
"Someone looks tired" Regina said looking at Roland who was falling asleep on Robin's shoulder.
"Yeah, can he sleep in Henry's room?" Robin asked rubbing Rolands back softly.
"Of course, Henry has some extra PJ's in his closet."
"I'll be right back." He said taking Roland upstairs.
"I don't know about you but I'm starving" Regina said pushing herself off the counter. She walked to the fridge biting her lip while she looked through it trying to find something to eat.
"I like this one" Danial said standing behind Regina, he pointed at a photo of she and Henry when he was a baby. Regina smiled nodding.
"Me too" She laughed. She felt his lips on her cheek before she could do anything. "Danial.."
"I know, that didn't mean anything." He said, Regina looked at him.
"I'll make some mac-n-cheese for a late night snack." She said walking past him to the pantry. He watched her leaning against the counter as Robin walked in,
"Roland will be sad he missed Mac-n-cheese" Robin said laying his hand on Regina's waist.
"I'll make sure and save him some." Regina smiled putting it into the oven.
"So Danial, I think we may have to compare notes on Regina." Robin smirked Regina rolled her eyes.
"You two just stay in here and gossip." Regina said washing her hands quickly before going into the other room. Regina sat on the couch Robin sitting down next to her. She looked at him smiling.
"I love you" He said softly, kissing her temple.
"I love you too" She said laying her head on his shoulder, she didn't move it even when Danial sat across from them. She smiled at him softly, he nodded watching the fire in the fireplace.

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