Part 4

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Ruby ran out of Granny's holding a pie and a bucket of ice cream smiling to herself. Tonight was a much needed girls night with Mary Margaret. As she turned on the sidewalk to go to her car she saw someone across the street. Quickly she put the pie and ice cream in her car then went to see if the person was alright they looked lost.
"Mam are you alright?" She called out from the middle of the street. The woman turned and faced her fear in her eyes.
"I don't... Where am I?"
"Your in Storybrooke." Ruby looked at what the woman was wearing, it a was a long Red dress with lovely embroidery. "Are you from the Enchanted Forest?" She asked the woman looked to be royalty.
"Yes, I'm queen Eva." She said looking up at the street at the clock tower. Ruby's heart dropped, she knew that name, she knew her.
"Your Snow's mother." She breathed Eva looked at her.
"You know my daughter?" She asked Ruby nodded.
"I can take you to her if you like, I'm headed over there right now." Ruby said without hesitation.
"Yes thank you" Ruby smiled.
"I'm Ruby by the way or Red." Ruby said as they walked to her car. Eva froze not sure what to think. "It's called a car, like a carriage just with no horses." Ruby said opening her own door. Eva got in after a moment and Ruby smiled at her kindly.
"How did you all get here?" Eva asked as they drove.
"There was a curse that sent us here." Ruby said watching the road.
"How am I here?"
"That I'm not sure about, two other people who should be dead showed up earlier." Ruby said.
When they reached the apartment Ruby led Eva upstairs and knocked on Mary Margaret's door.
"Come on in Ruby" Mary Margaret called, Ruby opened the door.
"Hey" Ruby smiled walking into the apartment followed by Eva.
"Hey did you bring the..." Mary Margaret stopped frozen when she saw who had come in behind Ruby.
"Snow?" Eva breathed.
"Mother." Snow said dropping the plate she was washing into the water.
"Oh my darling Snow" Eva cried Ruby and David looked at each other. Mary Margaret walked out from the behind the counter as Eva walked towards her. Eva reached out laying her hand on Mary Margaret's cheek. By this time both women were crying as Eva finally pulled Mary Margaret into a hug.
"I missed you" Mary Margaret sobbed into her mothers shoulder.
"I missed you too" Eva said rocking slowly. Mary Margaret pulled away looking at Eva.
"How is this possible, I watched you die." She asked Eva shook her head.
"I don't know but I'm not the first" Eva said looking at Ruby.
"Neal and his mom" Ruby said
"Neal's alive?" David asked, Eva looked at him.
"Yeah, Emma and Henry are with him now." Ruby said Mary Margaret glanced at David.
"Oh mother this is my husband David." Mary Margaret said smiling David came around drying his hands.
"It's a pleasure to meet you" He said shaking her hand.
"And you, I hope you take good care of my daughter." Eva said smiling.
"I try to do my best" Mary Margaret laughed as Neal stated to cry from the bedroom.
"I'll get him" Ruby said quickly putting the ice cream into the freezer. Eva looked at Mary Margaret.
"Have a seat, do you want something to drink?" She asked as Eva sat down at the kitchen table.
"You know what I've missed? A good glass of wine." Eva said Mary Margaret laughed going into the kitchen.
"I think I have something" Mary Mrgaret said pulling out a bottle of red wine. "Red want a glass of wine?" She asked as Ruby came out of the bedroom holding Neal.
"Yeah I'll have a glass" She said walking over to David.
"Hey buddy did you decide to wake up?" David asked.
"I think he needs changed but I didn't know where the diapers were." Ruby said handing him to David.
"Who's this?" Eva asked.
"This is Neal, he's our youngest."
"You have more than one?" Eva asked looking at Mary Margaret who smiled.
"Yeah, Neal and Emma." David said bouncing Neal on his hip.
"Can you change him Charming?" Mary Margaret asked handing Ruby a glass before taking her own and her mothers to the table.
"Yeah" He said taking him back into the bedroom.
"You have a beautiful family here darling." Eva said looking around.
"I've been lucky." Mary Margaret said smiling softly.
"I should go this is family stuff" Ruby said drinking the rest of her wine.
"Are you sure?" Mary Margaret asked standing up with her friend.
"Yeah, it was nice to meet you Eva." Ruby said smiling, Mary Margaret walked her to the door giving her a hug.
"Thank you for bringing her over, we'll have our girls night I promise."
"Deal" Ruby smiled hugging her back tightly. "I'll see you tomorrow." Ruby said walking out.
Mary Margaret shut the door and turned back to her mother.
"I keep thinking your going to disappear if I turn around." Eva stood up and came over hugging Mary Margaret.
"I'm not going anywhere, not yet any way." Eva said holding Mary Margaret close.
"Alright Neal's clean and wants mommy." David said walking back out. Mary Margaret laughed as she and her mother parted.
"Come here buddy" Mary Margaret smiled taking Neal from David. "Hi, this is your grandma." Mary Margaret said turning him to look at Eva.
"Hello there hansom." Eva smiled tickling his toes.
"Can you say hi?"
"Say nope, I got daddy's looks but mommy's stubbornness" David said Mary Margaret rolled her eyes.
They all sat down at the table talking while Mary Margaret tried to get Neal to fall back asleep. She got up around ten and took him back to his crib leaving David and Eva in the kitchen.
"So David, this doesn't look like an arranged marriage unless you two have grown on each other this much, but if not how did you meet?" Eva asked David laughed softly.
"It wasn't arranged, we met when Snow robbed my carriage and I went after her." Eva looked at him shocked. "She wasn't always a princess, she and I were on the run from the Evil Queen for many years before we took back the kingdom." David explained.
"How did Leopold loose the kingdom? Is he dead?" Eva asked
"He died when I was 18, after that everything was taken over by Regina." Mary Margaret said coming back into the room.
"He's dead?" Eva asked tears in her eyes, Mary Margaret nodded.
"It's late and I think we're all tired. Your welcome to stay here if you like we have another bedroom upstairs." Mary Margaret said.
"I would hate to intrude." Eva said David laughed.
"Your not intruding, your family with nowhere else to go." David said.
"Thank you"
"Not a problem, I'm heading to bed. It was nice to meet you Eva." David said shaking her hand again.
"I'll be in shortly I'm going to get her settled." Mary Margaret said kissing him softly.
"Alright, night" He said walking into the bedroom. Mary Margaret walked upstairs where she made sure there were clean towels and something for her to sleep in.
"If you need something you know where we are." Eva nodded grabbing Snow's hand.
"I'm so glad your happy." Eva said.
"Even more now that your here." Mary Margaret said with a soft smile.
"I love you." Eva said tears in her eyes again.
"I love you too mom" Snow said hugging her.
After they said goodnight Mary Margaret walked back downstairs locking the door before going to bed. David was sitting in bed waiting for her with the bedside lamp on. Without saying anything she crawled onto the bed fully clothed moving next to him she laid her head on his chest letting him hold her there rubbing her arm softly.

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