Part 14

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Neal sat on the couch looking through Henry's book while Henry slept next to him. Neal smiled glancing at his son, reaching out he pulled the blanket up around him a little farther. Milah walked into the living room stopping when she saw Neal and Henry. Neal looked up at her his hand still rested to Henry's shoulder.
"I figured you and Hook would be off on the Jolly Rodger somewhere." Neal said Mail shook her head moving to sit in the chair.
"No, I wanted an actual bed to sleep in tonight. It would be nice if I actually could sleep." She said looking at Henry.
"What all do you remember before waking up here?" Neal asked.
"Your father taking out my heart, then seeing Killian." She said biting her lip. "What about you?"
"Being in Emma's arms and telling papa I loved him." Neal said looking down at Henry. "But I never told Emma." Milah looked at him.
"The night I left your father I went into your room and gave you a kiss and told you I loved you. To this day I wish I had woken you up and told you, or took you away from your father."
"No, I would have hatted you more. And I remember, I woke up but I thought it was just you being my mom." Milah looked at him astonished.
"What about being a dad? How do you like that?" Milah asked changing the subject.
"Sometimes I wish I had been there to watch him grow up, Emma and I could have been parenting together. Then I actually think about it and I'm glad this is how it worked out." Neal said as Emma walked into the room.
"God could you imagine us as parents? We were 18 and didn't know anything." She said Neal looked at her.
"With our luck Henry would have grown up to be a serial killer."
"He still could" Emma smirked.
"Why are you guys talking about me?" Henry asked tiredly.
"Because it's time for bed." Emma said, Henry held his arms up making Emma laugh. They use to do this in New York when Henry was to tired to sit up. Emma grabbed his hands and pulled him up into the sitting position.
"Can't I stay up, I want to hear about dad when he was kid. Grandpa won't tell me anything" Henry said, Milah smiled.
"Tell you what, tomorrow you and I can sit down and I'll tell you about your dad" Milah said making Henry smile.
"Cool, night guys" He said getting up from the couch, Emma grabbed him giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before he ran upstairs.
"I think I may head to bed as well." Milah said standing up. "I'll see you both in the morning." She said heading down the hall to he room she was sharing with Killian.
Neall grabbed Emma's waist pulling her closer to him, she smiled laying against him. She closed her eyes as he rested his chin on top of her head.
"I know you have your own bed but will you stay with me tonight?" She asked looking up at him. She trusted him, she knew he would lay there and keep her warm and safe tonight.
"Of course" He said kissing the top of her head, he reached up turning off the lamp making the room dark. "Do you mind if we stay up a little while longer?" He asked Emma shook her head looking out the window as the snow started to fall.

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