Part 8

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Emma and Milah walked back into the diner to see Neal seated at the bar talking to Ruby. He turned hearing the door and looked at them. Emma smiled at him softly walking over to sit next to him steeling his coffee.
"I'm sorry" He said as Milah walked over.
"Don't be, but you weren't wrong about me leaving you because I did. I thought about you every day and I regreted leaving, I was the coward and didn't go back for the one thing that meant more to me than life itself." She said with a sigh. "I'm your mother and even if you hate me I love you because your the best thing that happened to me." Neal sat there dumbfounded as he watched her hold back tears. Standing up he hugged her tightly.
"I love you mamma" He said making her cry. Emma smiled when the door opened and her parent's walked in followed by a woman Emma didn't know. getting up Emma walked over smiling at them.
"Are you okay?" Snow asked glancing at Neal.
"Perfect." Emma said with a smile.
"Good, Emma this is my mother Eva." Snow said Emma looked at her, she could see the similarities. "Mother this is my daughter Emma" Snow said with a smile.
"But...How?" Eva asked Emma and Snow both laughed.
"It's complicated" Emma said looking at Snow who nodded.
"Hey guys" Neal said coming to stand by Emma.
"Neal, it's good to see you back" Snow smiled hugging him.
"Thanks it's good to be back." Neal said looking at Emma. "And I believe I need to say congratulations." Neal said looking at the carrier Charming was holding.
"Yeah you haven't met Prince Neal yet" Charming said turning the car seat around.
"Neal?" Neal asked looking from the baby to Emma then to Charming.
"After you gave your life to save us we realized that we wanted our son to be named after a hero." Snow said with a smile.
"You gave your life for them?" Milah asked walking into the group.
"Your son's amazing like that." Emma said looking at Neal.
"It was the right thing to do." He replied looking at Emma. She smiled kissing his cheek.
"I feel as through we need to do official introductions." Eva said looking at Neal, Milah and Hook.
"Sorry, this is Neal his mother Milah and that's Captain Hook." Emma said. "Milah these are my parents Snow White and David and my grandmother Eva. Oh and my little brother Neal." Emma said introducing everyone.
"It's nice to meet you Milah, Neal is a well liked person in our family." Snow said with a smile.
"Are you two together?" Eva asked looking at Emma.
"I hope we are" Neal said glancing at Emma.
"What do you mean?" Eva asked Emma looked at Snow for some help.
"Neal and Emma use to be together but they aren't at the time being. Not officially at least." Snow said as the door opened again and Henry walked in.

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