35. Unexpected downtime

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'it feels weird being able to have a date night' Valeria told him.

They had just sat down at a quiet and private table at the restaurant Sebastian had mentioned. They had spotted other drivers and their significant others there: Alex and Pierre were all deep in conversation with their dates.

Valeria looked to the girls, feeling like a fish out of water. They all had perfect make-up, designer clothes and shoes.

Valeria, instead, was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a simple plain top. She had opted for her sunflower vans and wasn't wearing any make-up, except some mascara.

'what's on your mind?' Seb asked, glancing at her from his menu.

'Nothing' she shook her head, going back to picking her food.

'you know I can read you, right?' he raised an eyebrow.

'It's silly' she shook her hand, to brush it off. At that moment a waitress arrived to take their order. Valeria wasn't the biggest fan of seafood, so she had opted for something on the safe side, going mostly for salmon and tuna.

'so, what is it?' Seb asked her, again, intertwining his fingers with hers.

'don't judge me, but.. do you not sometimes wish I was different? Like, I could look more like an F1 fiancée?' she lowered her tone 'like, look around. Lily, Cate... they're all dressed up, effortlessly walk around in heels and have all these cool things they do. On the other hand you have me going around in rugby jerseys and vans, no make-up, getting plastered with the mechanics on a night out. Does it not affect your image?'

'is this what you're worrying about?' he gave her a smile. 'no. I don't wish you were any different, because if you were, you wouldn't be you. You have your own quirky personality, which I love to bits. I love listening to you lecturing me about history and politics, trying to convince me that rugby is better than football and I love the fact you don't wear heels unless you have to, it makes me look taller' he joked. 'don't ever consider yourself not good enough, ok?' he concluded.

Valeria gave him a small smile, feeling a lot better.

Karaoke later? Pietro had messaged her.

Out with Seb, but I guess he could tag along? Let me ask

'Pietro and the boys are going karaoke. Wanna join?'

'sure, I won't be up too late though. I have to wake up early' he agreed.

'sucks to be you' she teased him.

Yeah, we'll be there. Just need to finish dinner. Send me the location, I'll see you there.

Once they finished eating and Valeria had insisted to pay her half, thinking about the fact she would have to starve for the following couple of weeks, she grabbed her fiancée's hand and started walking out. She followed her sat nav to a nearby 24hrs karaoke bar.

They were greeted by 'L'Italiano' being blasted out of the speakers and found themselves staring at a tipsy Giorgio and Pietro singing along to Toto Cutugno.

'You see? They like you. They're signing your song' Valeria joked, reminding him of his rendition of the famous song he sang on radio a few years prior. His heart sunk a little, going through those memories of a happier time at Ferrari, but he brushed it off, not to worry Valeria. He hadn't really told her exactly how he had felt, but it was pretty clear to him that she had guessed most of it.

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