First aid and cold showers.

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Cassandra's POV.

I needed a shower.

I stepped back, placed the kit on the table and was about to leave. I should be dead right now. I was a terrible person. I was having fantasies about my best friend's boyfriend. Maybe I should get a boyfriend, a real one this time, not some fling.

"You didn't have to help me you know, I know I'm not your favourite person."I heard Xander mumble.

I mean I didn't hate the guy, he was the one who kept avoiding me. Waking up early and changing paths. In fact now that I think of it, this was the only actual conversation that we've had ever since our 'fight'.

"It's not like I had anything else to do, well other than drool over Conrad Hawkins. Oh. and also, at the rate you were bleeding you would have died before you even realised what was wrong with your hand, considering you seemed pretty angry back there." I said."And also, Alika would kill me if I let her boyfriend die. I also feel like I've seen enough dead bodies for a lifetime."

I started walking away, what's the point of starting a conversation when he thought I hated him in the first place. 

I walked toward my room,Rora still putting dirty thoughts in my mind. Was this girl on viagra or something. 

I walked to my duffel bag, I hadn't really unpacked since the closet was full of Xander's clothes.It's not like my clothes fit me anymore.I was way below underweight when I came here.

I stripped tied a towel around me and was heading to the shower, when a certain pink devil stared back at me. I picked up the vibrator observing it for a while. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to use it right? 

I was pretty secluded from other rooms so I shouldn't be worried about the noise. Besides Xander was the only one in the house and he never came to this side of the house.

I laid on my bed letting the towel drop, I parted my legs slightly and licked my fingers. I was pretty wet with all the thoughts that had gone through my head. I started off with circular rubs on my clit. I then moved downwards putting one finger in, I slowly moved it in and out feeling the pleasure build in me. I'd never had a dick in me so I didn't exactly know if it would feel different from when I had my fingers in.

I switched on the vibrator placed it on my clit as I continued moving my finger in and out. I felt my inside clench as the pleasure reached a maximum I came, moaning a little loudly.

"Fuck you Xander"

 I finally opened my eyes, after the pleasure settled to a certain throb between my legs.

I walked to the bathroom to rinse the vibrator and take a shower.

Damn, I needed a boyfriend.

And why the fuck did I mention Xander's name when I had an orgasm.


Xander's POV.

I felt the tears run down my face as I thought of the fact that I would have to spend my life alone watching other people with their mates and their pups. It wasn't really fair, considering I was raised in a family where I had two mothers.

I was so angry I hadn't realised I had punched the door right through.I looked up and saw the hole. At least I had time to repair it before everyone came back. Alika had gone to pick Amare. I knew they would come back late. I just hoped they went with Cassandra so she wouldn't be bored. Or maybe she had gone to Ethan's place. Ethan had said in  his phone call that they had met an hour before.

I felt a pat on my back as Ethan's scent filled my nose trills. Well speak of the devil?

I turned to see Cassandra looking at me. Her scowl turning to her frown.I guess she saw the tears in my eyes since  I didn't bother wiping them. It was the kit in her hand that made me feel the burning on my hand. 

She took my hand in hers as she led me to the dining room. She washed the blood away as she placed my hand on the counter. She did know I could heal right? She didn't have to do all this. But I let her do it. I loved the feel of her touch on me. Even if it was an injured arm.

She was standing in the middle of my parted legs. Rovan kept giving me dirty thoughts. Damn i needed to go to the club or something. Release all this sexual tension. I watched as she removed small pieces of wood that were in the wound. She then rinsed the tweezers and put them away.

"You didn't have to help me you know, I know I'm not your favourite person."I mumbled.I knew she heard me.

 I knew she wouldn't answer. I wondered even why I blurted out the question.

"It's not like I had anything else to do, well other than drool over Conrad Hawkins. Oh. and also, at the rate you were bleeding you would have died before you even realised what was wrong with your hand, considering you seemed pretty angry back there." she said."And also, Alika would kill me if I let her boyfriend die. I also feel like I've seen enough dead bodies for a lifetime."

I slowly took in what she had just said. Who the fuck was conrad Hawkins. I swear I had heard that name somewhere before. And why the fuck would she say that Alika's boyfriend was hurt. Last time I checked he was perfectly fine. Unless?

Did Cassandra think I was Alika's boyfriend? I mean what? Yuck!

Not that I found Alika disgusting. If I wasn't her bestfriend I would have probably dated her ages ago, maybe have a child or two. just kidding. But Alika was more of a little sister to me than a girlfriend. Pretty ironic huh? since she's older than me.

But I needed to tell that to Cassandra who had just left the room. I put back the kit in the kitchen and switched off the TV. Some show on doctors was going on. Oh, so that's where Conrad Hawkins was from.

I walked to her room. I wonder why she changed rooms though, what's the point of staying in a smaller room when there are multiple other bigger rooms. Its not like she even slept in her new room anyway. I thought remembering about today morning.

The door was slightly cracked,should I knock, or like call her name or something.I was about to knock when a loud sound came from the room. It sounded like a shaver. What was she even doing with a shaver, I hope she wasn't shaving her hair, I thought as I peeped to see what she was doing with the shaver.

I was shocked by what I saw.Well turns out her hair was intact spread out on the pillows as a soft moan escaped her rosy lips.I knew I should have stopped watching her, I was invading her privacy, but I couldn't. 

I watched as she rubbed her finger round her pink clit as she moaned, the vibrator replaced her finger as she put a finger in her. She slowly moved her fingers in and out for a while until she arched her back.

"Fuck you Xander" she whispered as she moaned again louder.

I watched as her legs shook as she got used to the pleasure. Did she just mention my name when she had an orgasm.

I had fucked a lot of girls, even had threesomes and freaking orgies. But what I had just witnessed was by far the sexiest. My cock was rock hard, bulging in my armani suit.

Just another look at her and I swear I would cum in my pants. I watched as she stood up as her ass bounced as she walked into the bathroom.

Damn, I needed a freaking drink. 

I walked back to the kitchen. What made me go there anyway.I needed to get the fact that she had  a mate and I had no right whatsoever to watch what I had just watched. Should I go tell her I was sorry or something?

No she would think I was a creep for watching her do it. You know what maybe I should just act like I saw nothing. Yeah that was a better choice. 

I left toward the gym, maybe I should work out.

Either way, I knew I'd need a cold shower.

Cassandra freaking Amari.

What are you doing to me?


I'm sorry about the short chapters It's just that i've been busy lately with schools about to open and shit.

Hope Y'all doing well though.

I love y'all


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