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Cassandra's POV

I didn't even know where I was running to. I just ran looking back to check if I was being followed. All was fine and all until I hit a damn tree. I landed on my butt and hit my head on another tree.

"Great just great Candra, first you run away when I was having a really good time, then now you dont even want to look in front while you run" 

"Well Rora if you weren't such a bitch because of the fact I care about our sexual health, and ran away from the green eyed god , you wouldn't be mad at me and I wouldn't have to look back while I ran."

"Well well well, if it isn't Mrs.Boss bitch talking to herself, I knew my compelling  didn't glitch that day in the library, it doesn't really work on the mad" I heard a familiar voice state.

I was scared but Rora on the other hand was like a mini hulk, the turn didn't take long as it did last time, before I took control over her she had almost ripped the guy's heart out with one blow on the chest.

"oh shit" was the last thing I heard before I blacked out once again.


Alika's POV

Xander and Amare had been gone for long. I was bored sitting in the house for so long. I picked up the guys clothes that were all over the sitting room floor and walked toward the laundry room. Evidence of last night events was strewn all over, the laundry that I had folded now on the floor. I could still feel Amare's touch on my ass as he lightly grabbed it.

Amare had never showed any signs that he liked me, from our six years of knowing each other.But after yesterday I couldn't really get him out of my head. I knew for a fact that I didn't like him. Xander had suggested us being a couple but I physically cringed at the thought. That man probably has a million STD's. But that was then. Now all I wanted was him on my bed. As a witch I didn't really think we had mates but after a lot of research I concluded that Amare ticked all the boxes.

I just had to confirm if he had the same feelings. I levitated the clothes chanted a few words and just like that the clothes folded themselves as I walked out of the room.I felt a presence behind me, I knew who it was even before he covered my eyes, I didn't even need to use a spell. Amare's designer playboy cologne was all over the place. I was a herb witch, which meant I had to source my spells from plants pastes and natural scents.

"Amare if you don't let me go in the next three seconds I will definitely crush your balls "I said

"well that's not what you were screaming last night princess"Amare said as he chuckled and uncovered my eyes.

I mentally face palmed, I knew I would regret this sooner or later. Losing my virginity to a fuckboy wasn't part of my life goals. I had started to walk away when Amare held my hand

"I didn't mean that cupcake, let me make it up to you, go wear something comfortable.  " he said

I looked down at my jean shorts and Xander's hoodie I believed this is comfortable enough.

"By comfortable I mean warm baby girl and also remove Xander's hoodie I dont want you in his clothes"

I took the stairs two by two, if it wasn't for these short legs I would have done four at a time.I had a huge grin on my face, probably because Amare just ticked all the boxes for me.I went to my room and wore sweatpants I thought about changing the hoodie like Amare had said but nah, if he wants me to change it he will give me his. 

I walked down the stairs with a straight face.I didn't want Amare seeing the effect he had on me.That guy had an ego the size of Texas, I don't think he needed another ego boost. I found him waiting by the door observing a bag. It looked like a duffel bag but it was pretty torn up.

CassandraWhere stories live. Discover now