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Xander's POV

I had come to the clearing to turn, it was my twenty-first birthday which meant tonight I would be receiving dad's power.Rumour had it that if the power was too much to handle it would break me, I would either go insane or just die.I didn't really believe it was true, I just thought it was something to scare away the wolves who wanted extreme power. I didn't want to take any chances though,I walked toward the clearing, it was my safe space, it was the place I found Alika. She was the only person that understood me, she actually said she saw the pain in me that day we met so we had been bestfriends since then, well until Amare came along.

There was wood scattered everywhere, I didn't really think about it that much considering only Amare, Alika and I knew about this place. People claimed that the witch queen had been burned here, and since the others were too weak to survive without their queen's guidance they died one by one. I was about to start removing my clothes when immense pain hit me.It felt like I was turning for the first time but ten times worse, I managed to pull my shirt over my head. I knew I lived in money but that was one expensive shirt.

The pain stayed but the turn was quick I laid on my fours feeling extremely exhausted. Since I had let Roman, my wolf, take over , he did pretty well from shielding the pain.My eyes were about to close shut so that I could rest a little. Just as I was about to sleep I heard a sigh. It sounded desperate, hopeless, I even thought it was me but I dont think wolves can sigh. I was about to let it be when I heard a grumble, it was loud and sure as hell it wasn't me, I had just eaten a king's meal before taking Amare to the club,literally. I quickly stood up as Roman growled a warning growl.I faced the tree from where the noise came from. What I saw after really shocked me, a girl about 5'7 came from behind the tree. She was wearing my clothes which I guessed she found behind the tree. The shirt looked like a dress on her, tucked in in my short that looked like it was about to fall. She was really attractive, but she had no scent, she looked really familiar though, like I had seen her before.

I watched as she raised her hands above her head, she was shaking in fear. It took a while before I understood what she was doing. She was trying to look intimidating, if I wasn't in wolf form I would probably be laughing my head out. Instead I tilted my head to observe her.Now that her hands were above her head I could totally see her nipples through my shirt. She wasn't extremely busty like the girls I had been with but I liked the way she looked in my clothes. A jolt of pain went through my body, Roman had done good at covering the pain, but now that he was entirely distracted by a certain attractive girl, he had forgotten all about me.

The pain catching us unprepared, Roman fell on his side.I heard a scurry of footsteps and I felt hands on my side. The pain went away almost immediately. I didn't like being touched especially after the rogue attack but her touch was something to crave for. she rubbed circles on my side and I started feeling drowsy. Roman though seemed very ecstatic, so his short breaths didn't exactly put me in a position to fall asleep. So I just closed my eyes and enjoyed her presence.

I had dreamed of having a mate, having someone to share dreams with like my parents did. It was weird I referred to my parents considering my father had two wives, whom he loved and adored, but what they had looked so nice I had even thought of having two wives myself.I felt her move as her soothing touch left my body. Roman growled a little harshly, I even thought she would get scared and leave. I looked at her as we maintained eye contact. I really hoped my eyes conveyed the same message in my thoughts. She looked a little confused at first but seemed to get the message. She placed my head on her lap. My two front paws on her side, she placed both hands on the top of my fur and continued rubbing circles. 

Before I could control Roman he lifted his head and nuzzled his snout at the crook of her neck and laid his head on her chest, at first I did not understand what he was doing but I soon got the point. He was marking his territory. He had just put our scent all over this girl and considering she had no scent of her own, our scent would stick for a while. I really needed to pee. I had been holding it together for a while but now I just had to, or this girl would think I  was really disgusting if I just did it here. I stood up before Roman licked her face, that would be utterly disturbing and really hard to explain, the pain had subsided and I could feel the power of an alpha in me. I guess the transition had ended so it was about time I changed. 

Since this girl had worn my clothes I would just have to go for Amare's clothes on our way back to the pack house.I went behind a tree to take a piss and take my boxer and went straight for the cold water. I dreaded cold water, Alika had said she could work a spell to make the water warm but she said she required a lot of energy to do that. I didn't want to risk loosing the only female friend I had that didn't want to jump on me, just because I was afraid of cold water.

As I immersed myself in the water I was shocked by how warm it was, it was actually increasing in temperature the more I went inside. Before I turned I quickly glanced at the girl to ensure she was still there. Alika had been sneaky lately i'm pretty sure she did this stunt for my twenty first birthday surprise.It worked pretty well, I was definitely surprised and happy, I turned as I heard my bones crack in water. The pain had completely gone away. I couldn't wait to finish bathing so that I could ask the girl's name. So far all she brought me was comfort. The bath was a little shorter than I expected I guess I was really eager to talk to this girl. I felt an urge to impress her. 

I walked out quickly wearing my boxer as soon as my junk was out of water, I didn't exactly want to scare her on the first day. I had already planned a conversation. I was sure she wasn't from my pack because if she would have I would have known. Maybe she was visiting a pack member? The fact that she looked familiar kept bugging me. But I guess it was time to get answers of who this snow white is. I smiled at my joke as I thought into it. Just because I found her in the forest doesn't mean she's snow white.

My smile faltered, I felt my heart break slightly. I walked toward the pile of clothes. They had been neatly stacked on top of each other. I was so full of myself I didn't even hear her leave.But that was impossible. It was the full moon which meant my hearing was definitely strong enough to pick up footsteps. Something was definitely off. But I guess we found our princess a title.

I just had to find cinderella_


Hey guys, this was just a filler chapter, I will be updating later today. Im so proud of this book and where it is going.With all my 19 readers thankyou very much for taking your time to read this book. please vote and comment, let me know your thoughts and  ideas, its 11.03AM here so i'm going to eat then come back aand writeeee . I'm so excited.

dont forget to comment and vote.  

love G.C.M

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