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I really had nowhere to go, well other than the cafe I worked as a part time worker.I didn't really think it was a good idea considering if the police put two and two together and figured out I caused the accident at home that's the first place they would look

But I needed time to think of my way forward, maybe I should rent an apartment or something I mean I had already paid the semesters fees so I had nothing else to buy.

I sat down on one of the corner tables and ordered a coffee, being an employee here I knew too well either i'd be charged for idling or something like that. An apartment downtown would work nice maybe I should head there see if i could get something for the night, since I was getting dark I had to work fast.

Its funny how life can be perfectly fine one minute and the next it fucks you up like its high on viagra or something, I thought as I took the last turn. I had already figured which apartment would be cheapest, well maybe I overheard something about it from one of the customers in the cafe who was kicked out of his apartment.

'moon creek' the dingly sign read, it looked a little torn up but oh well its better than nothing right? Because I really needed a shower. I walked in with a determined look on my face, the inside was actually worse than the outside it actually looked like a scene from the walking dead, it was desserted, the only source of light was a flicking bulb which just added to the creepiness

The man sitting at the counter looked as shabby as the motel. He looked short he had a mole on his right cheek, his eyes had this massive eyebags like he hadnt slept in years. Anyway this better be worth it. I walked toward the guy 

"do you have a room i can spend the night in"

"sorry we dont take hobos"he replied

did he just call me a hobo? Has he seen himself, i dont even look half as bad as he does, though his eyes looked farmiliar.

"look I dont even know who you think you are but trust me i'm sure I look so much  beter than you would in another life  I dont even need your dirty room mofo "I felt light-headed more like someone was pushing me down I tried to grasp anything I could but I couldnt see a thing

"fuck-"was the last thing I heard

I woke up in a white room, dont tell me i'm in a hospital, I dont even have insurance, i'm not even a legal citizen, well technically I am since I turned eighteen today, was it even today or yestarday ?how long have I been out for, or am I dead ?

"Cassey chill out for a second"a feminine voice interrupted 

wait is that_


"yes baby its me, well technically it's my spirit but i'm here to guide you"

"but your dea_"

"dead? well in that realm I am, there's a lot you need to understand but I have no time to explain, we are gonna help you baby"

"we as in you and who exactly and i'm not even understanding whats going on, I miss you mummy I want you back, after your death dad almost killed me I want to be with you "

"I cant take you with me Cassey you have to be strong, you'll find someone who will be with you, your saviour, but now you need to wake up and fight I cant help you but the beast inside can, bye for now baby, I love you Candra."

"no mummy dont leav_"

A sharp pain on my leg made me come around, before my eyes adjusted to the darkness two pair of hands grabbed me and pushed me down 

"your stronger than you look princessa but I dont think you can take six men double your size"said a hoarse voice.

I felt my trousers rip, were they trying to rape me? Anger started to boil inside I had had enough of this excuse of a life but if it was going to end, its gonna end on my accord. For a moment I let the anger consume me

"let me out Candra" 

I didnt care who the fuck had said that but I let go, I let all the emotions I had pent up since my mother's death come out. Then I heard an angry growl, was that me? the hands holding me let go and the man between my legs had a scared look on his face. Why was he so scared all of a sudden. I felt hot, really hot, I stood up on all fours, what the actual fu_

Suddenly pain consumed my body a lot of pain, a loud crack interrupted my thoughts, was that my bone, I heard other bones cracking as I felt the change I felt stronger and angry, it was like someone else was controlling my body. I pounced on the man who had ripped my jeans and bit his leg, I almost tore it out of its socket if it weren't for the movement behind me. I turned in time to see five men running in different directions.

"A few moments ago they wanted to be all close to me and now they wanna leave? No not on my watch "

The anger was stonger, I felt the heat again but this time it felt like  I wanted to puke. I stopped to catch my breath but I couldnt. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time I wanted someone to die inside, not just me.I felt  my hair stand, more like all my fur, thats when I felt something leave my body, it was like an energy wave.

I felt tired, drained , but I needed to reach the forest, so I ran as fast as I could, I could see a group of trees but my legs were giving out 

"just a few more Candra_"  

But I couldn't, I was too tired, so I let the darkness consume me_

CassandraWhere stories live. Discover now