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Cassandra's POV

I had never had such peaceful sleep, it was dark so my eyes couldn't adjust to the darkness. All I knew was that I was on a hard bed that now felt wet??

Wait where am I?

 After my eyes suddenly adjusted I realised I had slept on a flat rock, a few feet in front of me was thee forest. Events of the previous night finally came to me in episodes.Did I kill those men.What was happening to me? Was I a scientific failure or something, or was I a mutant who was adopted by human parents and raised to be one so that I could take ove_

"dont get over yourself Candra"

Wait, who said that? I am officially going mad I have already started hearing the voices in my head, how do they know my name though

"first of all your not mad,second, im Rora, your wolf, you know the 'beast inside you' or something?" 

Wait so i'm a wolf? I knew I was too bad ass to be human, my thoughts were interrupted by a cold breeze that passed through my body. Was I naked? Why the fuck am I naked and why didn't I realise this earlier.

"well technically your a trybrid and if you had let me explain earlier you would've known once you transform and let me take over all your clothes rip since they dont exactly fit a wolf, so point is we need to take a bath or something, we stink  "

Thankyou Rora, for your fine suggestions about our personal hygine, but as you can see we aren't really near any hospitality facilities unless you wanna bathe like a cat in which I will gladly let you take over so you can do.

"Ok Miss.attitude, gladly figure this on your own then since you know it all " 

"come on Rora I was just being sarcastic, you know I cant figure this out alone,"


"oh come on, you cant possibly ignore me, aren't we supposed to be friends or something?"

"you cant possibly be serious"

"Fine then lets look for a river to bathe in," I said while walking to the forest, well this is gonna be a long night.


Xander's POV

I looked at Amare through my sunglasses. This guy was like a girl magnet. He was making out with like the seventh girl now.Not that i'm judging I also have a line of girls who want to do the same to me but desperation doesnt really look good on a girl.

it was weird that I was wearing sunglasses at a bar at night, I even felt weird, but it was the full moon and it was fast approaching midnight which meant i had to turn. Being the next alpha in line meant before turning my eyes glowed and i didn't want to expose us to the humans.

Amare was a vampire, it wasn't normal that we were friends considering the hate between wolves and vampires. He was also a king to be, and that was the only excuse we had.All I had to say was he's the future king, having him on our side will be advantageous incase of a war, and they would let it slide.Amare didnt have the best childhood, he wasnt even an original vampire. His master was a slave trader and he was captured and seperated from his real family.His real name wasn't even Amare, it was Cameron Haji Maha the fourth.He was of african origin and was captured as a slave.His master had itercepted the humans and took twelve of the strongest boys, Amare included, I can't see why not, the guy was a strong 6'3 and was built. He looked like the younger version of the hulk or something, now without the anger

Amare's master had gotten attatched to the human boy and he turned him.It had caused havoc between the vampires and the humans considering Amare was the son of a king, but the vampire king sorted it out with bribes and sacrifices.Because of the disturbance Amare was given to the king as a servant and managed to capture the king's heart.After the sudden death of the king's first son Amare was appointed next in line for kingship.

"you ok bro, you looked a little zoned out for a while there"Amare's husky voice interrupted my thoughts"I even had to leave a girl waiting to come check on you, is it time to turn yet? We can leave you know, you dont even have to be here"

I stood up without answering back, I knew it was almost twelve and my emotions would be hightened.Amare knew this too so he just walked beside me as we left the club.we were walking toward the forest when I captured the scent of a rogue.An unnecessary growl esaped my mouth, I knew I had less than ten minutes for the change but I could make it.I sprinted towards moon creek knowing my brother would know who had walked into the territory.Amare was tugging behind, I figured he was starting to get a little tipsy since he had downed almost ten bottles of strong vodka.

But vampires had strong tolerance he would get over it in a few minutes.I walked into moon creek,I was amazed but how filthy it appeared at first

"looks like the witch did nice at their job" Amare said reffering to the illusion.

A few days earlier I had asked Alika,the last remaining witch, for help with an illusion spell.The spell worked such that once one knew it was an illusion the dirt would fade showing the real moon creek.which was one of the most magnificent hotels. It was free of charge but only hosted supernaturals.

I walked up to Luka's desk, he stood there, his back to us

"hey bro, and to what do I owe this pleasant visit"Luka said while turning around.Luka was by far the most amaizing actor and designer.For step brothers we were quite a pair I actually loved the him.We had exactly the same eyes which we took from our father, he was slightly younger than me like a few months but i still saw him as my little brother.When he came out of the closet to our parents I took it upon myself to care for the guy.His mother was my mother's bestfriend, long story short it was a threesome gone wrong and his mother got pregnant with him.

"There's a rogue's scent outside and I know you know something about it so spill,"I said quickly knowing I had close to no time for chit chat.Luka realising the matter at hand gave me the files for the guests he signed in today.I quickly assessed the names and did not see any name i didn't recognize.I was about to leave whe Luka spoke up.

"There was a hobo who came by asked for a room, she looked filthy like she hadn't slept in days and she didnt smell nice.She also didnt have a scent on her,like at all, not even the stinky human scent, she just smelled dirty. She found me in my costume though, the old man one and also when she yelled at me for caling her a hobo she released a strong aura, like an alpha's pup but a little stronger, it stopped when she passed out and I had to drag her out to the back because Titan was about to arrive, and you know how Titan really likes being the centre of attention being an alpha and all.Im pretty sure the aura was Titan's because he came immediately after with his sons"

"wait, so you just dumped her outside and didn't check up on her "

"well I did and she was still asleep so I figured she would wake up and go back to where she came from"

I sighed and walked towards the back, Luka wasn't the most compasionate person when it came to humans and if the girl saw the illusion and Luka's costume she should be really scared.Im pretty sure that was the reason she passed out. Amare and I followed Luka as he led us to where he dumped the girl.

A shocked gasp brought me to reality, there on the ground laid the most sought after criminal in both supernatural and the human world.He was a rapist and extortionist his zip was open and jeans slightly lowered.His leg looked chewed up.with the look on his face he looked petrified around him laid five of his men who had the same look on they're faces

I had dreamt of capturing Luis and toturing him with my bare hands but with the look on his face I was assured he had died a death he deserved.The only question left was who had done this.With the reward on his head i'm pretty sure that answer would come sooner or later but for now let's just hope the human girl didn't witness what happened here.

CassandraWhere stories live. Discover now