End of The World (2)

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" They say mankind has touched every star in the sky. "

- Cassandra



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"I think it's in a face or two. That's why I didn't recognise you in the shop until my friend told me. Different regeneration. Apparently, it's when I tell you about that night. Which, trust me, is not going to happen anytime soon. I don't talk about it. But, you'll know when the moment is right. When you find out, you go and find one of my friends. You tell her that she needs to help me or something along those lines. Anyway, it doesn't matter right now. It won't matter for a long time." I sighed and the Doctor guessed that I didn't want to talk anymore so he changed the subject.

"So, Rose... What do you think, then?" He asked her.

"Great. Yeah, fine. Once you get past the slightly psychic paper. They're just so alien. The aliens are just so alien. You look at 'em and they're alien." Rose said in disbelief.

"Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South." The Doctor muttered and I glared at him playfully.

"No, Doctor. If you take her there, she will have a heart attack." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"How do you know about the Deep South?" His brows furrowed in confusion.

"Friend with a vortex manipulator. That's how I knew about the Roman Empire and how I have a smartphone."

"Space hopper. Not vortex manipulator."

My watch said, causing my eyes to widen. I noticed the Doctor watching me so I played it off as if I were watching the Earth and walked to the window.

"Where are you from?" Rose asked, sensing that the Doctor was going to ask me more things that I didn't want to answer.

"All over the place." He replied vaguely.

"They all speak English."

"No, you just hear English. It's a gift of the TARDIS. The telepathic field, gets inside your brain and translates."

"It's inside my brain?" Rose sounded angrier than necessary.

"Well, in a good way."

"Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside my head and it changes my mind, and you didn't think to ask?"

"I didn't think about it like that." The Doctor admitted sheepishly.

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