The Girl In The Fireplace (2)

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“ Here's to the slow path. ”

- The Doctor



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"Blimey, look at this guy. Who does he think he is?" Mickey asked Rose as we rounded the corner. It took one quick glance to see that they were looking through one of the 'magic doors' at three men dressed in expensive clothes.

"King of France." The Doctor said.

"Oh, here's trouble. What you two been up to?" My sister quizzed, grinning from ear to ear.

My boyfriend watched the king standing in front the mirror while speaking. "Oh, this and that. Became the imaginary friend of a future French aristocrat... picked a fight with a clockwork man..."

The horse picked then to whinnie from around the corner so I chose to pipe up. "Oh, and we met a horse..."

"What's a horse doing on a spaceship?" My sister's ex frowned at the animal nudging my arm.

"Mickey, what's pre-Revolutionary France doing on a spaceship?" The Time Lord fired back. "Get a little perspective." Bit rude. Pointing, he drew our attention back to the king. "See these? They're all over the place. On every deck. Gateways to history. But not just any old history..." The Doctor placed a finger on the glass as Reinette entered the room. "Hers. Time window... deliberately arranged along the life of one particular woman. A spaceship from the fifty-first century stalking a woman from the eighteenth. Why?" Very good question, actually.

"Who is she?" Rosie wondered.

"Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, known to her friends as Reinette. One of the most accomplished women who ever lived."

"So she got plans of being the Queen, then?"

"No...not exactly." I snorted, still petting the horse. "He's already got a Queen. She's got plans of being his mistress."

"Oh, I get it. Camilla." My sister gasped in mock, sudden understanding, making herself and Mickey laugh.

"You've really got to stop with the controversial shit. Not that it's not funny, but don't want to say that in front of the wrong person."  We both rolled our eyes at eachother.

"I think this is the night they met." My boyfriend commented as the king left the room. How he knew that, God knows. "The night of the Yew Tree ball. In no time at flat, she'll get herself established as his official mistress, with her own rooms at the palace... even her own title, Madame de Pompadour." Reinette came up to stand in front of glass to fix her outfit, nerves obvious from the deep breaths she was taking.

"Queen must have loved her..." Rose muttered.

"Oh, she did. They get on very well."

"The King's wife and the King's girlfriend?" Mickey quizzed in disbelief.

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