Mina's shipping company

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A/n Dear readers, I'm running out of ideas for this story.

Mina's POV

Yes, I got a photo of Denki's journal, now all I need is to share it with the girls, minus Jiro, in a very energetic girl talk in my room. It was 4 and everyone I invited was here and the party was ready to rumble. "Ok people, you know why you're here right?" 

"Umm, I thi-".

 "Don't finish that sentence, let just get down business," I cutted of Uraraka mid-sentence. "You all know that Kaminari went to check on Kyoka this noon right?" They all nodded uneasily. I turned to Yaomomo, "Yaomomo do you swear you won't tell Kyoka or Todoroki about this."

" I swear I won't tell Jiro-san, but why are you including Todoroki-san?" She asked. I smirked, "you know why." She turned crimson red, Toru laughed, while Tsu-chan and Uraraka giggled.

"Anyways look at this," I said, as I took out my phone with the photo I took of Kaminari's journal. Toru immediately stopped laughing and grabbed my phone. The others surrounded her as squeals of joy filled the room, I smiled knowing that the fact they knew Kaminari, the dumbass of our class, like Jirou, the music queen of 1A.

"Kero, I always been had suspicion about you and shipping, Mina," Tsu-chan said, the others nodding in agreement. "You got me and Deku together, and we're happy. So I'll help you with getting Kaminari and Jirou together." Uraraka said in her usual bubbily tone.

"Aww thanks," I replied, "I hope the readers are happy about you two being a thing. Especially the Bakudeku or Kacchako shippers."

"What are you talking about Ashido-san?" Yaomomo questioned me. "ANYWAYS! Lets get started on operation Kamijiro. Ok firstly ground rules if you get any information about them talking about each other or mentioning each other, tell me the detail, if not I will blackmail you to do so."

Timeskip bought to you by the one and only Jamming-whey

"YOU DID WHAT?" Yaomomo screamed at Toru. Apperantly Toru saw Yaomomo ran after Kyoka and followed them thinking that they had a fight, ended with Toru finding out about Kyoka's hanahaki problem and now the two are shouting at each other.

"How did I not HEAR you following me? There was no one in the halls that time." Yaomomo asked as she shaked poor Toru to death. "Like I said I'm a ninja, you won't hear me." "Guys chill, don't kill each other in my room. Besides that's good info for our plan." I said as I pull the to girls apart.

"Plan?" This time it was Uraraka, I nodded and pushed the two hissing girls on to the floor and smiled back, "this is gonna be long ride so hold on tight."

Sorry for the short chapter. I have school and homework going on, so the chapters maybe getting shorter. Anyways thank you so much for reading I never thought I would get over 40 reads. 😁Peace out.

Why can't you leave me be? (kamijiro fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora