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Jiro's POV

The last few petals fell peacefully into my trash bin next to my bed.

The moon light came in through the window, the only source of light in the room.

I had tears in my eyes from the pain of coughing up petals. I look down into my bin and saw alot of yellow petals....


(a/n 'italic'  is the thoughts of the characters)

"Wait isn't sunflower Kami's favorite flower?"I whispered to myself.

'Oh NO NO NO NO! Don't tell me, this is true!'

Time skips to the next day

"Good morning , Jiro-san", a voice said, I looked up and saw Yaomomo, my best friend.

 "Good morning." I replied.

She pulled an empty chair infront of me and looked into my eyes and asked, "Jiro you look sick."

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you are usually with Kaminari-san joking around together."

The mentioning of his name made the flowers fill my lung. "Well it's ju-"

"Hey I heard my name, and Jiro you okay man."a new voice came. We turned around and saw a very familiar blond stood there looking down. The blond put his hand on my forehead. I felt my cheeks heating up, the flower petals were already in my mouth, I covered my mouth with a hand and ran out of the room bumping into Aizawa-sensei, I didn't even listen to what he was saying. I just ran and ran, 'til I reached the girls bathroom and ran into the cubicle. Loads of flower petals break free into the toilet bowl. I coughed up with tears flowing out of my eyes.

"Jiro-san? Are you in here?" Someone asked. 'Yaomomo, help! Please, it hurts!' I heard her open the cubicle door , I heard a gasp loud enough for me to hear over my sobs and coughs. I felt a hand on my back, I turned my head around, with the flowers flowing over my mouth onto the ground, and saw a blurry Yaomomo. Then a sting in my throat made me throw up a whole sunflower and my breakfast. I looked down a saw red on the sunflower, I tasted blood in my mouth.

This went on for the next several minutes, I coughed up the last several petals. Yaomomo gave some tissues she had in her pockets, I rubbed my tears away. I looked around the cubicle it was a mess, there were petals all over the floor, some of them had blood on them, and there was a whole sunflower. I felt nausea, I was falling and the next thing I knew...


'Ughhh, my head achess, what the heck just happened??'

I opened my eyes, I saw Yaomomo with a very relieved look, sitting next to my bed. I got up and looked around and asked, "what are doing in my room?" "Umm, well, Aizawa-sensei told me that you ran out of the class so he told me to follow you, so I did and I found you in the bathroom and you were puking and coughing very hard so I thought I'd help you," she stopped to think, then continued, "you fainted after awhile so, I quickly cleaned up the flowery mess and then carry you to your dorm room and then texted class rep so he could tell Aizawa-sensei."

"Wait, did you tell anyone else about the flowers?" I asked. She simply shook her head, I sighed in relief, "umm, thanks for helping and sorry for making you clean my mess, Yaomomo."

Yaomomo POV

"Umm, thanks for helping and sorry for making you clean my mess, Yaomomo," she said, looking down on her bed." Hey, it's fine, that's what friends are for,"I replied.

"Hey, have you told anyone about this, like your parents or a teacher?" I asked. "No, I don't know what to do? It hurts like crazy every time it happens, there were prickles and thorns scratching my throat, I don't like it." She was crying at this point, I got up and pat her on the back and subconsciously asked, "who is it?" I covered my mouth after I said that, I immediatly apologize, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just slipped out of my mouth, I so sorry!" "I-is Ka-kami," she said over her tears. I brought her into a hug, she hugged back, it was an awkwarly slience for a moment. A growl overcame the silence, it was from my stomach, I turned slightly red. Jiro laughed and look over to the clock.

Jiro's POV

No wonder she was growling it was almost lunch time, honestly I was also hungry, I mean I did threw up my breakfast. Yaomomo got up and she told me that she's going to get our lunch from the canteen and will come back soon. I took out my earphone in a nearby drawer and plug it into my phone and opened a song, I was chilling out until I heard a knock on the door. 

I got up to open the door, thinking it was Yaomomo, and opened it, and looked up, reveling a blond with a lighting streak, he asked, "Jiro are you okay now? I brought burgers for us. We can eat together in your room." " NO!!" I yelled and slammed the door in his face. Several seconds later, a sharp pain stab my throat, "AGH" the prickles the petals were at it again but this time the feeling was different, it felt more suffocating. I can't breath.

Kaminari POV

She slammed the door into my face, I don't know what to do or say. I was gonna leave until heard Jiro groaning on the other side of the door, I tried the door, it didn't budge. "Jiro," I called, "open the door, let me in, let me help you. Please." There were coughs and sobs coming from the room filling my ears with fear and worries. I tried the door again, no luck. I looked down and saw a sunflower with red bits on it, and a note saying  'I so sorry.' I sat down with my back on the door and open one of the burgers I bought. The coughing stopped, I tried the door again.


The door opened slightly.

A/n thx for reading the first chapter of the book. If you have any ideas or tips to improve the story pls say so. This is my first book on Wattpad so umm yeah.

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