Untitled pt. 1

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Kaminari's POV

Sero dragged me into the classroom where everyone seems to be talking in small groups since Aizawa-sensei is asleep. Mineta, the class pervert, came over to my desk and asked, "where were you? You promised we'd go spy on the girls as they change into their PE uniforms!"

"Dude, chill. I was just checking on Kyoka to she if she was ok, but I ended up chatting with her!" I replied, slightly annoyed.

"You did what? You spend time with flat chest than spending time with me! Why would you even talk to her? If you want to talk to a girl atleast talk with Yaomomo. She don't even deserverd to be called a-" 

He was cut off by me, I was really pissed at him that I brought up my hand and slap him with everything I got. He flew several tables backwards, with his hand on his face looking shock as everyone around us.

"DON'T COMPARE HER WITH ANYONE ELSE! She's perfect the way she is, you shortass!" I shouted at him, losing control over my anger. Everyone stopped talking and turned all their attention to me. I opened my mouth to shout again, but Sero put his hand over my mouth, pulling me into a corner.

"What the frick are you doing?" I asked the second he let his hand off my mouth. He sighed and look over to the girls who smirking like crazy. "See what you got yourself into? The girls are gonna ask you what happened?"

The bell rang and thank god it was the end of class. Aizawa-sensei rolled out of the classroom, and Midnight came in the room to teach English (idk what they teach). I took out my journal, the one I sketch in, and turned to a certain page that had a title reading :

'My nicknames from the angle Kyoka'

There were many nicknames on the page like Pikachu, Dumbinari, Dork, Jamming Whey, Lighting Dolt and the list goes on. I found a new line and wrote 'Kami' with my neatest handwriting and smiled. Mina probably saw me smiling, she threw a paper ball at me. It landed on my desk, I opened it and it read :

'Wht u smiling about? ;) Is it about Jiro, i mean u 2 were talking together right.'

I looked over to her desk, she was smirking back at me. I felt heat rising to my cheeks, I slammed my head on the table causing a loud bang. Everyone turned to me, "bro, you good?" Kirishima asked. "Y-yeah," I manged to say over the pain and fluster.

Class went on as usual, and before I know it school was already over. I put my journal on the edge of my desk as I put the other books in my bag, I reached for my journal but it wasn't there, instead I found a hand. I looked up only seeing the one and only shipping queen, Mina, she was taking a picture of the page where I last book marked it. Oh no! I got off my chair trying to grab it back, but she jump back, making me fall face flat to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing, dunce face?" Bakugo screamed at my face. "Nothing!" I replied quickly. He just walked over me like nothing had happened, 'weird'. I felt something hit my head, I looked up again and saw Mina handing my journal back to me, saying, "good luck, Kami." She headed out laughing her head off.

Dang it Mina

Timeskip to after dinner

Dinner was over and everyone seems to be in the common room except Bakugo (of course)and Jiro. It felt weird without Jiro and her weird nicknames so I decided to go upstairs to Jiro's room. I knocked on her door several times, but no reply. I opened the door, with the extra key she gave me, and walk inside only to see Jiro sleeping. I watch her sleep peacefully.

'Cute. She's damn cute when she sleep.'

Who knows how long I was staring at her, I only came to my senses when she woke up and stare into my eyes.

No one's POV

The two lost teenagers stare of into each others' eyes. The flowers began to fill Jiro's lung, the eye contact broke when Jiro started to cough up flowers. The pain of the flowers are not as worst as the pain of Kaminari not liking her back. 

Kaminari quickly ran to her side and pat her back while hugging her. "It's okay, I am here for you." he said. The flowers did not stop coming out, even over the tears, sobs and pain Jiro managed to say, "Kami, I l-love you! M-more than a-anyt-thing."

Kaminari was shocked, he knew he liked her but he never knew she liked him due to him not being hot or cool like Todoroki (see what I did there😏), or kind as Midoriya, or even fancy as Aoyama or even protective like Bakubro. He was speahless

"I-i don't k-know w-what to say."

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