chapter sixteen

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" you and Colby finally got together?!" Ronnie exclaimed, gasping.

I shushed her, chuckling. "Yeah. I mean, we haven't talked about what... we are, per se, but like... we're together."

"Finally. It was so obvious from the beginning that he liked you." Ronnie mentioned, rolling her eyes.

"What? No way." I disagreed.

"Yes way. He looked at you like you were a piece of meat he wanted to devour." Ronnie snickered, handing me a glass.

I grabbed it lightly, putting it into the sink. "You do realize he's a vampire, right? He was probably hungry."

"Around you, he must be. Your blood smells amazing..." She stuttered, "a-apparently."

I shrugged. "Well, so far he's only freaked out once from the many times we've made out."

Ronnie crossed her arms as she leaned against the counter. "First off, freaked out? And secondly, made out? Y'all haven't gone all the way?"

"Freak out as in vampire mode. And no, we haven't." I mumbled, wiping down a glass.

"Are you waiting for a personal invitation to fuck him?" She questioned bluntly.

I groaned, dropping my head. "Oh my God, Ronnie."

"What?! I'm just saying he's hot as shit, you're hot as shit, you two should be fucking like rabbits." She stated.

I looked up, whispering. "Dear God above, I wish you would take me away right now."

Ronnie smacked my arm, smirking. "Sex with a vampire is apparently crazy amazing, so like... get on that."

"Well, it's a little hard to do that since he's busy all the time with work." I admitted.

She nodded. "Right, you said he works at the Trapp Haus. What is he there?"

"Um... a body guard. Part of security." I somewhat lied.

"He doesn't look like he could defend, no offense," She grinned. "He's kinda skinny."

I sucked my teeth. "Well, the vampire powers and strength make up for that tenfold."

"Speaking of the Trapp Haus, are you there often?" She asked, putting some bottles away.

I haven't lived in my own house in like a month.

"Kinda. Why?" I replied.

"Well, I wanted to ask something. I heard that a vampire bought out the whole VIP section and then kicked everyone out. Do you know anything about that?" Ronnie turned to me, her eyes piercing.

I froze for a moment, that whole night rushing back to me. It had only been a couple days since Rinaldi had come to the Trapp Haus, but I was still on edge from it all. I thought going to work would distract me from it, but I guess not.

"How do you know about that?" I snapped.

Her eyes widened, as she stumbled over her words. "Oh, uh, a couple vampires came in here and talked about it the night it happened. T-they were upset their party got ruined early, or something like that."

I exhaled. "Oh. Yeah, I think I heard something about it. I don't know anything really though. I was at home."

"It was such a big deal, apparently. I wonder who that vampire was..." She trailed off.

"Who cares?" I grunted quietly.

Ronnie shrugged, a tight-lipped smile on her face. She walked around the bar and tended to a table nearby. I stood still, cleaning out some glasses. It was hard not think of that night, especially since Ronnie brought it back up.

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