chapter twenty

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After the past couple days of bullshit, going to work was not something I wanted to do.

I sat in my car, glaring at Vampiro, knowing I was already late for work. I could feel my anger rising to the surface as I loomed over at the brick building.

I didn't want to deal with customers, or really anyone, for that matter. But I also didn't want to be in the Trapp Haus. The thumping of club music off the walls was slowly driving me insane.

I was just... so done with everything.

I wanted one night of peace, one night of normal. I wanted one night to just lie in bed with my boyfriend and cuddle. I didn't think I was asking for much.

Colby's my boyfriend now.

I smiled at the thought, my body calming down for a second. I guess after all the crazy events that occurred recently, that was the only silver lining.

I groaned, slowly sliding my body out of the car, locking it with a click of my keys. I quickly ran towards Vampiro, shuffling in the back door quietly.

"You're late again." Roger blinked, staring me down.

I sighed deeply. "Yeah, Roger, I am."

He crossed his arms tightly, "This is the third time in a row."

"Do you expect me to be early, like... ever?" I let out a dry laugh.

He shook his head, "No, but I expect you to be on time."

We both turned to the kitchen door swinging open, Ronnie walking in nonchalantly.

"Do you need something?" Roger queried, glancing behind me.

Ronnie smiled innocently, "Just more shot glasses."

I turned back to Roger, "Well, Roger, I'm usually on time. I'm just not having a great week."

That's a fucking understatement.

"This past month alone you've been late almost ten times." He stated.

"Okay... what are you going to do about it?" I deadpanned, glaring.

I could hear a tiny gasp from Ronnie as Roger stepped back. "Excuse me?"

"What are you going to do about it? You're not gonna fire me." I dared.

He started, scrunching his face, "How do you know I wo-"

"Because who else is gonna put up with the terrible fucking pay and gross vampires on the daily? It's not like you got other people lining up to work here." I took a deep breath, looking directly into Roger's eyes. "I apologize for being late, it's not my intension. But tonight is not the night to fuck with me. Got it?"

A heavy silence fell over the three of us. Ronnie's mouth was hung wide open, clutching the shot glasses in her hands. Roger sucked his teeth, dropping his arms, and walking towards his office.

He called out. "Just try not to be late again."

I smiled sarcastically. "Cool. Thanks Roger."

Ronnie glided in front of me, mouth still hanging open, "Oh my God, who are you and what have you done with Jade?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm in the worst fucking mood right now. I literally contemplated going home while I was sitting in the parking lot."

"That bad of a day?" She frowned.

"No, but the week? Even worse." I groaned, walking into the bar.

She followed right behind me, placing the shot glasses down. "Why? What happened? Oh wait, let me guess..."

the chosen daughter // colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now