chapter nineteen

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My emotions were all out of whack, and I stayed by Colby's side the rest of the night after my 'date' with Max. Colby kept me close, cuddling me any chance he got. By the time we both went to bed, I felt calm for the first time in hours. I didn't tell him that I knew about Max's powers; I didn't need him to get more upset. My dreams remained calm that night, and I was able to sleep deep for the first time in a while. I woke up well past two P.M. the next day, deciding to shower and then go to my apartment quickly to get more clothes and do some laundry.

In the daylight, I felt safe. But the darkness of night allowed the true monsters to come out.

A slight positive was that I had an early shift at the bar and instead of closing, I was going to be coming in for the dinner shift. This was usually mine and Ronnie's favorite time; no one really came in so we would just fuck around and do whatever, usually playing pool or darts. I wasn't too excited about the idea of seeing Ronnie though, since every time I saw her, she asks about my vampire escapades.

How am I supposed to explain to her that I have two Elder vampires weirdly infatuated with me and one of them threatened me into going on a date with them?

My only option anymore is to lie, and I hate doing that, even if her questions were annoying.

As I got ready for work, I realized that Colby was still asleep from the night before. Before I left, I tried waking him, but all he did was groan and roll over.

"Don't worry about him. He does that sometimes." Sam spoke, appearing in the open doorway.

I replied. "What, stay asleep for over 12 hours?"

"Yeah. Apparently, he used to be like that when he was human too. He usually only does that when he's stressed out." Sam informed.

"And what could he possibly be stressed from?" I joked dryly.

I left the Trapp Haus after that, getting into my car and driving to Vampiro. When I got to work, Roger greeted me.

"Wait, I thought Ronnie was supposed to be in today?" I puzzled.

Roger shook his head. "Nope, she called out last minute. So, I guess you won't be lazying around today."

I scoffed dramatically. "I never lazy around, I'm just... thoroughly finishing my tasks."

He squinted his eyes at me, smiling bitterly. "Right. Start by thoroughly restocking the bar, please."

My shift went by painstakingly slow. Only about fifteen customers were in the whole time I was there, all of which nursed their drink to the point of adulthood. I texted Colby, wondering if he had finally woken up yet. He saw my message but didn't respond. That wasn't totally unlike him, but I decided to call him since I was bored and on my break. My call went straight to voicemail.

"That's strange." I mumbled to myself.

Two hours later, I was finally done with work, getting off at just before midnight. I was excited to finally get back to the Trapp Haus and see Colby again. I drove home as quickly as I could, parking my car in the back lot behind the club. The usual line to get into the Trapp Haus was there, so I went to the back and banged on the secret door, waiting for Kevin to open it.

A different pair of eyes stared down at me through the slot, the caramel color turning red once he noticed me. "Password."

I stared blankly back. "Mike, just let me in."

He rolled his eyes hard, slamming the slot shut and ripping the door open, but not wide enough for me to come in. "You didn't say the password, I can't let you in."

the chosen daughter // colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now