chapter fourteen

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"So, this is what you guys do when you have a day off? Lounge around and be lazy?" Tara huffed.

I glanced at all of us quickly. Sam and Kat were cuddled up on the end of the couch I was laying on. Jake was on the other, sprawled out, and Colby sat on top, his feet digging into the cushion where Jake laid his legs.

"What would you like us to do Tara?" Colby deadpanned.

"Well, I'm thirsty." Tara turned to Jake, "Jakey, could you get me something from the fridge?"

"Get it yourself." Jake mumbled, scrolling through his phone.

Tara barked. "Jake. Get me a blood bag and some vodka. I want to have a party."

"You know if you're so thirsty, you could just drink from me." Jake dared, getting up from the couch.

"No thanks. I'd rather drink from Sam than you. No offense, Kat." Tara sassed, crossing her arms.

Kat shrugged. "None taken."

"But Tara... that's not how it played out the last time." Jake sang, smirking.

Tara punched Jake in the shoulder hard, all of us busting out laughing. Jake winced as he stumbled into the kitchen, digging in the fridge.

"Tara, you do realize it's only 3 in the afternoon. Ain't it a bit early to be drinking?" Colby stated.

"No. I'm just... pregaming." Tara smiled innocently, sitting down where Jake had been.

Mike and Kevin busted through the door suddenly, slamming it shut and locking it hastily.

"Woah, where's the fire?" Sam broke in, sitting up with Kat in his arms.

"Go lock up the windows, Mike. I don't want there to be any way in." Kevin motioned. Mike nodded his head, rushing to the windows.

"What's the problem?" Jake questioned.

"We just got word from a very reliable source that an elder is coming to LA." Kevin informed.

"Are you sure it's not just Tara?" Sam asked.

Mike shook his head. "No one knows about her being an elder, so it can't be her."

"How do you know your sources are telling the truth?" Sam slid out of Kat's hold, standing up.

"Apparently, he already flew in a couple days ago. Some of our boys down at the airport saw him." Kevin replied.

"Who?" Jake requested.

Kevin's voice darkened. "It's Rinaldi."

I could feel everyone's body stiffen at the name. Not a single breath was taken.

Tara's eyes bore at the floor. "Well, I've just lost my appetite."

"Wait, who's Rinaldi?" I puzzled, looking around at everyone.

Colby answered. "He's one of the most powerful elders. He was like the second or third vampire ever turned."

Jake agreed. "He's fucking terrifying, bro. I heard if his eyes land on yours, he could make your head explode, spontaneous combustion style."

"I'm surprised you know those words, Jake." Tara joked, her voice remaining monotone.

"Okay, so he's a big deal. But why would he come here?" I doubted.

"Who knows? All I know is that him being even remotely near us isn't good news. So, we gotta take extra precaution. So Jade-" Sam began.

I held my hand up, finishing his sentence. "'Stay here for a while'...I might as well keep a bag here."

the chosen daughter // colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now