chapter twenty-two

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I had taken the next day off, needing my wounds to heal a bit more before returning to work. I decided to stay in my own apartment, not really wanting to be around anyone from the XPLR group, even if it was just for one night.

I wasn't excited to see Ronnie, Roger, or the usual patrons that came to our bar; but I knew I had to go to work. It was really the only normal thing I had left.

I could feel every bone in my body ache as I sat in my car outside Vampiro. I sighed, trying to hold back tears.

Even when I wanted to catch a break, I couldn't.

As I walked into work, I could feel the energy change around me. Every vampire stared at me, an almost lull falling over the bar. Roger came up to me the moment I clocked in.

"Hey Jade, you gotta s-stop..." Roger stuttered, his voice quieting.

"I gotta stop what Roger?" I turned to him, and he looked like he was suddenly... high. I snorted, "Are you okay?"

"Wha? Yeah, I-I'm fine. Are you? What's with all the bandages?" He asked, staring at me closely.

I took a step back, "Uh, I got attacked the other night when I called out."

Roger gulped, his eyes never leaving my neck. "Okay, well, take it easy tonight. Don't want your bites to open up. That would be... terrible."

"Yeah, it would be," I deadpanned. "Maybe you should go take your break since I'm here."

He nodded lightly, licking his lips. "I think I will. If you'll excuse me."

What the fuck was that about?

I felt the bandage on my neck. Maybe I needed to replace it. I walked into the employee bathroom, leaving the door open as I peeled the bandage back. The wound was mostly healed, but the bandage had some blood on it from part of the bit that hadn't fully closed up yet.

"Hey can I get your... woah!" Ronnie yelled, staring at my neck.

"What? Oh, hey Ronnie. Yeah I know this looks kinda bad." I laughed.

"Um... yeah it does." She whispered lowly, "Did Colby do that to you?"

I tried not to jump down her throat, deciding instead to just breathe deeply. "No, he didn't. It was one of the other workers at The Trapp Haus. It's a long story."

"Are you still bleeding? It smells like it." She covered her mouth.

"What do you mean it smells like it?" I questioned, looking at her through the mirror.

"Uh, um. I'm just really sensitive to blood. The smells makes me nauseous and I can smell it right now." She babbled.

"I'm mostly healed so I don't think..." I turned to her, and she looked ghostly. "Hey are you okay? You look sick."

"I'm gonna step outside. Get some air." Ronnie rushed away, running out the door.

I raised an eyebrow, "Okay...?"

If those were the only two weird instances I had all night, I would have been fine. But no: life found a way to piss me off more and more.

Every vampire, for my entire shift, treated me weird one way or another. If they weren't eying me or trying to use their powers slyly, they were tipping me a lot, or promising a huge tip in hopes I would give them blood... or more.

And the whole night, Roger and Ronnie stayed clear of me. Every hour Ronnie would step outside to get some air, even after I told her she should just go home if she was feeling that sick, and Roger could barely hold a conversation with me.

the chosen daughter // colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now