chapter seventeen

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Things had recently just started to calm down. Mike and Kevin had gotten news from their sources that Rinaldi left L.A., which made everyone in the Trapp Haus relax. Colby still kept me close, afraid that Rinaldi might come back, or send one of his goonies after me. I didn't mind though, because I liked being close to him. Especially since we were...

A couple?

Even I wasn't exactly sure what to call us still. It was hard to talk about our relationship when it felt like every other minute something was trying to tear us apart.

Tonight, I wanted to talk to him about us. Maybe finally figure out what we were. Tonight was the only night I could really do it, since it was my only night off from work. But as I went to Colby's room, a voice called me from the front door.

"Jade, can I ask you something real quick?" Kevin closed the front door softly.

I sighed. "Yeah, what's up?"

"I know this might be last minute, but could you work at the bar tonight?" Kevin asked. "I'll pay you and you can take whatever tips you get."

I scrunched up my face. "Why do you need me to work tonight?"

"Two of my bartenders called out sick, so now I'm only down to two, which isn't great. Any extra help would be a life saver." Kevin admitted.

I bit my lip. "Uh, I don't know, Kevin..."

"Kat, Colby, and Mike are all working tonight. Sam and Jake could do it but the only drink they know how to make is a screwdriver. And I asked Tara and she told me to fuck myself, so I kinda have no one else." He explained.

Tonight is my only night off...

He added. "I'll also be there pretty much the whole time so you don't need to worry about anything happening. And you have your bracelet if anything was to go down. So... will you please help out?"

I glanced at Kevin's face, a boyish pout resting on his lips. I rolled my eyes, nodding my head quickly. "Sure. I'll help."

~ \/ \/ ~

To say that Trapp Haus was understaffed tonight was an understatement. For whatever reason, it was twice as packed as it usually was. I had heard from some of the patrons that because Rinaldi had been here, more people wanted to come. In his own way, Rinaldi was seen as a rockstar.

A rockstar that killed its own kind and was dangerous as hell, but a rockstar nonetheless.

I hadn't seen anyone I knew in a couple hours besides Kevin, who was running all over making sure everything was fine. Colby and Mike stayed by the entrance, Kat was on stage performing, and Tara, Jake, and Sam were all up in the VIP section.

The only people I got to talk to were the patrons, and most didn't want to talk. They wanted their drinks as fast as possible so that they could get out onto the dance floor. The longest conversation I had was a wave every now and again from Sam.

As I brought out clean glasses from the back, I noticed a guy leaning against the bar, waiting to be served. He was in a dark maroon suit that contrasted nicely against his pale skin. His hair was slick back, dark brunette, and parted at the side. His sparkling green eyes glanced at me for a moment, before looking back down at the bar. He tapped his card lightly against the counter.

I've seen him before... somehow.

I shook my head, getting a grip on my thoughts. He seemed familiar but I couldn't tell from where. Maybe he came to Vampiro a lot.

the chosen daughter // colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now