chapter fifteen

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For the past three days, the Trapp Haus has been at full capacity; both the club and the apartment. Ever since news of Rinaldi being in town, everyone has been trying to remain close to home base, not wanting to go out. However, other vampires are living it up, unbeknownst to them an elder was stalking the streets.

Personally, I didn't mind being stuck in the Trapp Haus, now that me and Colby were... a thing? I'm not entirely sure what we are, since we've literally only been together for four days, but I will happily keep this thing going if it means I get to make out with him anytime I want to.

And trust me, I do.

Colby has also made it impossible for me to leave, and if I really have to go anywhere, he is next to me the whole time. He's over-protective, but I would be too if an elder that literally massacred his own kind was in L.A.

Mike and Kevin told us it was silent from their sources, no one had seen Rinaldi out yet. Apparently, he had done something like this before. He came to L.A. five years ago and stayed for a while, coming to Bloody and buying at the whole VIP section just so he could watch the club. It was strange to say the least, but Mike and Kevin were confident that he was going to do that again. Everyone was hopeful that he was staying far away from the Trapp Haus.

But then, Kevin got the call.

"Rinaldi wants to buy out our whole VIP section." Kevin gulped.

Mike hissed. "Fuck, he's coming here."

When we found out, it was determined that Sam, Jake, and I would stay in the apartment, since humans were not allowed to be in the Trapp Haus the night Rinaldi was coming. However, last minute, Rinaldi called and stated that humans were allowed to be in the club, and he mentioned to invite all of Kevin's friends because he wanted to meet them.

So, the plan changed.

Kevin told us that he sectioned a small area off for us behind the stage where the DJ booth was, that way we could stay out of view from Rinaldi. Kevin had planned to tend to Rinaldi's needs the whole night while we all stayed in the club.

And that's where we were now: all awkwardly squished behind the stage, sipping drinks and remaining weirdly quiet. Colby kept me close, both of his arms around me as I sat on his lap. If I wanted to stand, he would press me against him, his grip tight. His faced remained tense, almost like he was focusing on something. His mouth was in a permanent frown, his eyes remaining forward.

"You know if you keep scrunching your face like that, you're gonna get wrinkles." I joked, my mouth against his ear.

"Maybe I won't look like a twelve-year-old then." Colby monotoned.

I snickered. "You don't have to hold me the whole time Rinaldi is here."

"Yes, I do. You have a knack for getting yourself into dangerous situations, and he is a major one." Colby pressed his lips to the hollow of my neck. "And besides, I like having you close to me."

Kevin swung around the corner hastily, almost scaring me. "Mike, Colby, can you guys help me get rid of some vamps real quick?"

"Why? What's happening?" Colby questioned.

"...Rinaldi... asked for some of the rowdier vampires to be forced out. He said they're ruining his night." Kevin explained.

Mike shrugged, standing up. "Well, anything is better than sitting back here."

"Can't you get security to just do it?" Colby remarked.

"I am, but I need you two as well." Kevin mentioned.

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