Chapter Seventy One (Ending)

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"Hei-ran, don't do that. You're going to catch a cold!" Jisung said lightly, but he didn't discourage his daughter's curiosity. He lay back down on the bed and pulled the blankets up to Yeong's chin and let him rest against his chest.

Eventually, Hei-ran joined them and slept on the other side of Yeong, protecting him from the lightning on both sides.


"Hurry up!" Minho yelled out of the stables as he finished putting Cho's saddle over his back. Yongbok walked into the stables rubbing his eyes. "Why are we leaving so early?" he muttered as he went over to Hwan and rubbed his nose. "It's too early!"

Minho looked out at the purple and pink skies. "I want to hurry home! If we leave now, we can get back there by dinner tonight."

"That's too ambitious!" Yongbok cried as he nodded to the stable boy who rushed to get his horse ready. "We should just take two days to get there instead of rushing our men."

"Then I'll just leave them with you and go ahead," Minho half joked as he led Cho out of the stables. "I'll be waiting outside. All the other guys are already done getting ready."

"That's because they're nutty soldiers who like getting up early in the morning," Yongbok muttered as he took Hwan's reins and led him out after Minho.

"Good morning, Your Highness!" called their men as the two princes emerged from the stable on horseback, Cho snorting at the other horses who seemed to back off as he passed. Minho rubbed his horse's neck. "When we get home, I'll make sure you get a good rest and retirement," he whispered softly.

Cho snorted, like he was disagreeing. After all, he was only maybe twenty three and still had a lot of fight left in him.

"I want to get back home quickly, as I'm sure you all do as well," Minho called to his men as he took the front. "You have family, friends that you want to get back to. I do as well, so I would like to get there before sundown today. I know it's ambitious, but I want to know if you think you can make it?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" called his soldiers, who were now getting excited for the ride back. If they wanted to get there by sundown, that meant that they had to be quick. And that, of course, was the most fun!

For them... maybe not Yongbok who complained the entire time. But at least his horse seemed to enjoy the herd running because he leapt after Cho like the wind.

Jumping over streams and wading through lakes and trampling through trees, the group didn't stop for anything but letting their horses take quick breaks and water on the way. Minho could have kept going and ran all the way home, but his men needed breaks once and awhile, and Minho didn't actually want to leave them behind.

As the sun passed it's highest and started to go hiding behind the mountains, Minho finally broke out of the forests that he had been fighting in just a few months ago and onto the grassy plain that stretched out almost as far as the eye could see.

And since it was so flat, the San Palace was now in sight, even as the light began to fade. There was smoke coming from the center of the palace as the dinners were prepared outside to help smoke meats.

Minho could almost smell them from where he sprinted across the flat lands, throwing back his head and let out a loud whoop that echoed around the mountains.

Several heads poked out of the San Palace, spotting the herd of thundering horses heading their way, and knowing that it could only be one person.

"Your Majesty!" Changbin called in excitement, tearing Jisung away from his writings as he turned to look at his friend standing in the doorway. "They're back!"

Jisung was out of his seat in seconds. "Really?" he whispered, eyes wide as he pushed past Changbin and ran out into the courtyard, startling the servants. "Where are they?"

"They're just arriving," smiled one of the old women who nodded out to the south of the palace. Jisung scrambled up onto the wall and peered out at the horses that were quickly approaching.

Sure enough, even from here Jisung could make out Minho's handsome features and Cho's long strides heading his way. Jisung broke away from the wall and turned to find Hei-ran standing next to Changin, Yeong holding her hand. "Is it Daddy?"

"Go and meet him!" Jisung urged as he walked quickly behind the children and ushered them forward towards the entrance of the palace.

"Daddy!" Hei-ran held Yeong's hand as he waddled on smaller legs after his older sister who was clearly very excited to see her father.

Minho had spotted them, a wide smiling forming on his face as he slid his leg out of the stirrup and literally stepped out of the saddle while Cho was still running, falling to the ground gracefully before he ran the rest of the way.

"Daddy!" Hei-ran and Yeong jumped up at him as he met them in a large hug, clutching them to his chest.

"I missed you guys so much!" he pulled away grinning as he ran his finger down Hei-ran's cheek and rubbed the back of Yeong's head. "How have you been?"

"Good! Even better now that you're back!" Hei-ran clung to his neck.

"I'm glad to be back," Minho dragged his eyes away and let them rest on his husband who was watching them with an expression that could not be described. Minho set Hei-ran down on the ground before he slowly walked towards Jisung.

"Oh, come here already!" Jisung jumped forward and threw his arms around Minho, kissing him in front of everyone with a care. Minho held the back of his head, relishing the feeling of Jisung's lips on his own. "I really missed you..."

"I missed you too," Minho pecked his lips once more before he looked down and found Hei-rand and Yeong shaking their heads. Chuckling, Minho looked back at his husband. "But I'm back now, for good. I promise I won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

"Good," Jisung picked Hei-ran up and Minho did the same for Yeong. Looping his arm around Jisung's back, the happy family walked inside for dinner.

(AN: Hey guys! This is the official end of Promise... I know, so sad :( But I'll be writing one, or maybe two epilogue chapters to let you know what happens after this book ends. Please look forward to them, and thank you for reading and loving Promise!)

Promise- MinsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang