Chapter Twelve

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Prince Minho lay in his bed, his arm resting over his eyes, as if to block out the sun. Servants rushed around him, trying to figure out which one of the doctor's remedies would work, which none of them did. The scent of the strong medicine caused even stronger headaches for the young prince. The general as well as the prince's cousin sat by with frowns on their face as they watched their prince in pain.

It was announced a few minutes before the Han prince's arrival that he would make an appearance, but nobody paid much attention as the prince groaned in pain.

Captain Kim Namjoon arrived first, bowing to the prince, who could barely acknowledge him. "The Han prince and princess are on their way, Your Highness. I must ask that everyone one else must leave," he glanced at Yongbok and Jungkook, who were glaring at him. "Except for the General and Prince Yongbok," they looked more satisfied.

Minho was unable to respond at the moment, and instead just gave him a weak glance, signalling that he understood. The captain nodded and marched out of the room, positioning himself outside of the room, along with his two younger brothers, who had gotten there moments before.

The youngest of the three turned to look at his eldest brother with a worried expression. "Hyung... is the prince alright?" he asked. Even being the youngest, Mingyu, being more than six feet tall, stared down at his elder brothers.

Namjoon was just a few inches shorter than he was, at 5'11. However, the middle child, the youngest in mentality, was just under that of the eldest. But it was always Mingyu who would ask the hard questions. The ones nobody wanted to answer.

"I... don't know," Namjoon murmured, setting his eyes to the ground. "He seems to be in a lot of pain, and I just hope that whatever the Princess Jeongyeon gave him is not too strong, and will fade in a few hours.

"Someone should always try the princes' wines before they drink," Taehyung murmured. "I should look around to see who would be willing to do so."

"That," came a new voice, "Is a good idea."

Changbin was staring at the three brothers from a few feet away. They all bowed when they saw him, and he gave them tight smiles. "Is Prince Yongbok in there?" he asked quietly.

Namjoon nodded. "Yes, he is. He was in here right after the general. Looked a bit upset though..."

Changbin sighed, but nodded. "Yeah. That makes sense. I would assume it to be so."

"Oh?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow, but Changbin said no more, and stood by their side, waiting for the prince and princess to arrive.

Changbin's thoughts whirled around as guilt coursed through him. He began to drift to earlier in the day...

Back to chapter 11

Changbin stood to follow him, "Wait. Yongbok, I do not wish to make you uncomfortable!"

Yongbok stopped walking, and turned to face Changbin with a bright red face and glaring eyes. "Then why do you ask this question? Do you wish to embarrass me? To shame me in front of your people, as well as my own? Tell me, what is it that you want?"

Changbin shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. I swear to it," but Yongbok could see that he was lying.

He gulped and raised his eyes to stare right at Changbin. "Yes. I like men. What should I do about it? Why... why would you want to know?"

Again, Changbin said nothing for a few seconds, before he slowly began to walk closer to Yongbok. "Yongbok..." he murmured, before he stood right in front of him. "I... I've been curious about you from the start. I know that I haven't known you for long, and that you may not feel the same way..."

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