Chapter Fifty Eight

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"Ouch!" Minho hissed as he held his cheek. "That one really hurt!"

"You deserved it, shut up!" Jisung sniffed as he stood up from the bed and tied his hanbok properly around his chest. "And if you do that again, I'm just going to shoot you on sight, no questions asked."

"I don't intend on disappearing again," Minho muttered as he clutched his cheek. "You said you would beat my ass, not my face."

"Your face looks like an ass!" Jisung retorted as he walked out of the room, leaving just Minho sitting in his room.

Minho hurried and followed him out of the room and into the morning sunlight. "Wait, Jisung!"

"Father!" Hei-ran was already holding onto Jisung's hand when he got out. "Oh, Daddy! Did Father beat you?"

"What are you talking about, love?" Jisung murmured as he picked her up, giving Minho stink eye before carrying Hei-ran into the dinning area where Master Sang-hyuk was already eating with the Lee King next to him.

"I assume you had a nice night?" Min-hyuk asked with a raised eyebrow as he spotted Minho and Jisung arriving together, Minho's face flushed and red. "Or not...?" he spotted the hand print on Minho's cheek.

"It wasn't like that," Minho muttered as he sat down across from his brother, Jisung hesitatingly sitting down next to him.

"Where is Changbin?" Jisung asked as he looked around. "I want to slap him too."

"You can just slap me again," Minho protested. "It's fine-"

"I want to slap him," Jisung said firmly as he picked up the spoon that had been set in his place and dug it into the rice set in front of him. "Now be quiet and eat."

Minho did just that without another word for fear that he would get slapped again. It seemed that Jisung had not yet aired out his anger towards Changbin and Minho. He would... give it time?

"We have much to talk about," Min-hyuk murmured as he set down his chopsticks to look Jisung in the eye. "And I hope that you show full cooperation, Your Majesty."

"I'm not sure I like the sound of this," Jisung answered without even looking up, still in a pissed mood. "Should you bring an undesirable conversation to the table, may I please ask you to save it until Yongbok gets here?"

"Yongbok?" Changbin choked on the piece of meat he was trying to eat. He looked up with wild eyes. "Yongbok is coming here?"

Minho sent him an apologetic look. He had sent the letter the night before.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die," Changbin held his head in his hands as he totally lost it. "I'm so dead..."

"It's deserved," Jisung snorted as he took another sip of the soup.

"Minho, did you complete your rounds this morning?" Master Sang-hyuk asked as Minho looked up.

"Master, I will do them right now," Minho stood suddenly and turned to walk away.

Jisung looked up in shock. "What? Where are you going?"

Master Sang-hyuk's eyes glanced over to him as Minho left. "Would you like to see what Minho has been doing these past months."

"Certainly, if it's so important," Jisung grumbled as he too stood up, setting his spoon down. "What could be more important?"

He was shocked to find Minho running laps around a fenced in training area without breaking a sweat. Shooting arrows off a galloping horse without missing a single bullseye. His sword slicing through wood like it was paper, finding just the right position where his swing would be most effective.

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