pick up lines theyve told you

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-'hi my names microsoft can i crash at your place tonight'
-' do you believe in love at first sight? or should i walk by again?"

-'somebody better call god! cuz he's missing his angel'
-'did you get your drivers license suspended for driving me crazy?'

-'did the sun come out or did you just smile?'
-'you're so beautiful that i forgot my pickup line.'

-'you know what's on the menu? me 'n' u"
-'it's a good thing i have my library card because i'm checking you out.'

-'anyone who says Disney land is the happiest place on earth clearly hasn't stood next to you!"
-'any chance you have an extra heart? mines been stolen!"

-'you and i are meant to be just like Beethoven's 5th symphony.'
-'can you play music? because i'm pretty sure you could do mi' (THIS ONE MADE ME LAUGB.)

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