seven minutes in heaven [K.H]

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i had this idea last night. also pls send requests.
content warning: strong language

"that's a childish game, klaus." five laughed, taking a sip of his coffee. "oh come on! we never do anything fucking fun." klaus replied, honestly annoyed.

"i think it's a good idea." y/n spoke up. "i mean we haven't played 7 minutes in heaven since highschool." everyone nodded, except five. "you're all too young." he rolled his eyes , teleporting away from the group.

"so who's playing?" diego asked in excitement. "you know, this is kind of weird since we're 'siblings'" allison laughed. "yeah, all expect for y/n." vayna added. y/n laughed a bit. "how about if you get matched with your sibling, you have to tell them your biggest secret." y/n stated her idea. "n-" "oh my goood, you're a genius!" klaus laughed.

the siblings + y/n sat in a circle, bottle in front of them. "well, klaus it was your idea go first." diego smirked. "why are you smirking?" " because you'll have to tell someone your biggest secret most likely. "

klaus spun the bottle, and everyone watched in anticipation. it landed on allison.

the pair rushed into a small closet. "soo..-" allison spoke before klaus interrupted the girl. "im in love with y/n." allison looked on in shock. "ben was the only one who knew." klaus continued. "oh my lord, klaus! for how long?" she asked. " i don't know. 5-6 years?" klaus laughed at himself. "klaus why haven't you told her? honestly im just shocked because we all thought you were gay." allison giggled. "cuz' i feel like im not enough for her. and no, im bi." he replied to her comment.

allison and klaus finished their conversation and left the closet. "alright miss allison, your turn." y/n spoke. allison spun and once again everyone watched. it landed on diego.

while allison and diego where in the closet, vayna started a conversation with klaus and y/n. "remember when dad caught you and y/n smoking weed!" vayna laughed. "christ on a cracker! i do! its been forever though, we were like 14?" klaus chuckled, looking at y/n for approval. "14 or 15." she replied smiled, as diego and allison popped out of the closet laughing.

diego spun and landed on y/n. she blushed and followed diego in the small closet. "don't worry about me pulling anything, i don feel like that towards you." diego laughed and so did y/n.

meanwhile, klaus was anxiously awaited the pairs return. he thinking about how he just told allison his biggest secret ever. no one knew but ben. and now allison knew. maybe she told diego. he shook his head as he heard the closet door opened. he signed in relief.

y/n knew the drill and spun the bottle. to klaus' luck, it landed on him. both y/n and klaus turned red.

allison looked up at klaus as he stood and gave him a wink. everyone was confused.

klaus and y/n entered the closet. "s-" y/n couldn't even spit the word so out, klaus already had her pinned against the wall kissing her.

y/n moaned in surprise and klaus smirked into the kiss. y/n was already kissing back with her arms wrapped around the boys neck, desperately deepening the kiss.

the kiss was sweat and passionate at first, but it soon turned needy and sloppy. klaus pulled away for a second and spoke up. "holy shit, thats shit ive only felt in my dreams." he chuckled softly, before slamming his lips on the girls lips.

this time, y/n cupped his cheeks, leaning into the kiss even more than before. klaus ' hands found there way to the girls waist, as he smiled.

before anything else could happen, five opened the closet door. "your 7 minutes has been up for awhile." klaus and y/n pulled away, blushing hella hard. and klaus spoke up.

"you're a better kisser than i thought you would be."

a/n; pls send requests i am dying <3

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