A Kept Promise

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"Oh no they aren't a patient they actually work here. I'm looking for Dr. Bakugou Katsuki." "What do you want?" Bakugou said as he continued to write on the papers not caring to look up at the person.

"I just wanted to meet the famous young doctor who helped to make a cure for my SCID." "Well you met him and as you can see I'm kinda busy with work to take a picture or sign an autograph so..." Bakugou said and waved his hand dismissively at the person.

"I'm so sorry for his rude behavior. He's not really a people person." The receptionist said making the person laugh slightly.

"Ha, It's okay. But I am kinda disappointed." They said and leaned against the desk as they smiled over at Bakugou.

"I traveled all the way from America and Kacchan here won't even look at me." They said causing Bakugou to stop writing to process what the person had just said.

"Kacchan?" The receptionist questioned and looked over at Bakugou who had finally lifted his head up. Bakugou looked next to him and his eyes immediately locked onto the familiar charm bracelet on the boy's wrist. His eyes slowly traveled up until his red eyes met with round green ones.

"Izuku?" He whispered out in disbelief. The greenette's smile widened revealing his small tooth gap and dimples as he nodded his head.

"It's been a while, huh Kacchan?" Izuku said to Bakugou who had his mouth slightly open in complete shock.

"H-how?" Bakugou asked making Izuku giggle. Bakugou heart beat quickened upon hearing the boy laugh. A laugh he hasn't heard in eight long years.

"Well since I've been taking medication that you and your group helped to create I've been able to go outside for almost two years now! Oh and I've been taking this new stuff for my SPS which actually helps a lot with mmh-" Izuku said but his sentence was cut short by a surprise kiss.

Bakugou held Izuku's face in his hands as he pressed his lips against the greenette's own. Izuku quickly closed his eyes as he melted into the kiss, bringing his hands up to hold onto the blonde's arms.

"Not interested in dating my ass." The receptionist mumbled to herself as she smiled and sneakily took a picture of the two. 'Everyone's not going to believe this!' She thought to herself and continued to awe over the two even though she doesn't understand what exactly is going on.

The two boys pulled away from each other and Izuku began to giggle. "You really couldn't wait, huh?" Izuku asked teasingly making Bakugou smile softly. "I just had to make sure I wasn't dreaming." "Aww you dream about me?" Izuku said as he held Bakugou's face. His thumb gently stroking the blonde's stubbly face. Bakugou lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Izuku's.

"All the time...I missed you." Izuku smiled back up at him and gently nuzzled their noses together. "I missed you too." He whispered back before giggleing again which made Bakugou smile.

"You really became a doctor." Izuku said in awe as he looked down at Bakugou's white lab coat. "Yeah..." Bakugou sighed out as he continued to take in all of Izuku's features, from the freckles that dotted his face to his green eyes that seemed to be just as bright as they were eight years ago. He noticed the new things about him too like the fact that he was slightly taller then before, he's growing out of his baby face, and his ears had been pierced.

Just One Day (Bakudeku)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu