"I'm sorry." She shakily whispered before turning around and heading into the hospital room. Mitsuki rested her hand on her husband's shoulder gaining the male's attention. "I got Inko." She said and Masaru nodded understanding what he needs to do.

Mitsuki walked over to the door but before she went inside she went over to her son and gave him a hug. When she pulled away she kissed his cheek and then went inside the hospital room.

Katsuki looked up at the door longing to go inside but for some reason his body wouldn't move. Instead he fell back onto the bench behind him and leaned his head back against the wall.

Masaru walked over to his son and took a seat next to him. Katsuki immediately moved his head so it was now resting on his father's shoulder. "Everything is going to be alright." Masaru spoke and gently ruffled his son's hair.

Katsuki heard the words his father said but didn't focus on them. His attention was on the window of the hospital door and how from his angle of the door he can just barely see the heart monitor. And the green line moving up and down on it's screen.

~Play song here~

A few minutes earlier

"...You...w-wanted to know...why...I did it... right?" Izuku breathily asked Katsuki who nodded his head while placing his hand ontop of Izuku's own that was resting on his face.

Izuku closed his already half lidded eyes and smiled.

"I w-wanted...to actually... be... with... you...
e-even if...it...was for...just...one...day..."

Katsuki could feel his own heart drop when he heard the flatline. He felt Izuku's hand slowly start to slide off of his cheek.

"No no no no no no! NO! Izuku wake up! Y-you have to wake up! D-DON'T LEAVE ME!" Katsuki yelled his voice cracking as tears streamed down his face. He tightened his hold on Izuku's hand and pressed it back onto his cheek.

"Y-You're the one for me r-remember...I-I can't lose you..." He cried as he stared at the greenette's lifeless face. Katsuki soon felt hands grabbing at him and pulling him away from Izuku's side.

The nurses lead him and the other adults to the corner of the room so they wouldn't get in the doctor's way.

"Inko breath!" Mitsuki told her friend who was on the verge of a panic attack. Katsuki ignored the adults around him and brought his attention to Izuku.

The doctor stood besides the bed as he rubbed together two metal plates getting ready to shock the boy.

"Alright, clear!" He yelled and placed one of the metal plates on Izuku's chest to the right while the other was placed underneath his chest and to his side on the left. Izuku chest rose slightly from the quick shock but the green line on the monitor was still flat.

"Come on kid..." the doctor mumbled before shocking Izuku again. Katsuki watched in nervous anticipation hoping that the green line would soon start moving again.

'Please come back to me.' Katsuki thought as he watched the doctor use the defibrillator again and shock Izuku.

The green line went up slightly only to fall back into a straight line. "Tch, stay with me kid..." The doctor mumbled as he rubbed the metal plates together getting ready to shock Izuku again.

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