I Lift My Eyes Unto the Hills

Start from the beginning

Maria and the children huddled into the corner but the Captain merely stood next to it acting as a guard.

"Thank you sister" he spoke reverently to the old woman.

"It's our calling to help those in need, especially the ones we love." She gave him a look

The Captain looked at the Mother "Thank you for her too, without you sending her, I wouldn't have my family."

Just then the bell rang. "Slowly" The reverend mother said to sister Bertha as she approached. She then turned back to the family. "Quickly, I have a place you can hide."

They piled through a door that led to the courtyard. From there she opened a dark staircase that led to the roof where a mostly open graveyard was located. It was ominous and the stones created a maze over the floor. On one side a covering was built into a higher wall and was guarded by metal bars that protected large plaques and stones. The family was going to hide between these plaques and the wall but the bars would be locked.

"Oh mother we didn't realize we put the Abbey in this danger" Maria apologized

"Don't worry my child"

"Would you mind if we borrowed your caretaker's car?" The captain asked.

"I'm afraid our car would do you no good. We've been listening to the wireless, the borders have been closed" the Mother Abbess explained. The children listened intently.

"Then we'll drive and then go over those mountains on foot." He said

"But the children" Maria sounded worried.

"It's okay we'll help them"

"We can do it without help father" Friedrich assured.

Louisa had grabbed Gretl's hand and Friedrich followed them behind one stone, all looking back at their parents.

Liesl had followed Kurt and Brigitta behind the other one. Marta had tried to run to Friedrich but Kurt grabbed her dress and pulled her back close to him.

Maria sat down and hugged Gretl to her.

Maria sat down and hugged Gretl to her

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"I'm scared" Marta whispered

"Me too" Brigitta added.

"Mother?" Gretl asked, she was incredibly tired, scared and just wanted to go home "would it help if we sang about our favorite things?"

"No darling, this one time it will not help, we must be very quiet, hold tight to me" Maria whispered. She looked at her husband and he held up a finger to his lip.

Not long after, they heard footsteps and the Captain joined his family behind the stone. He smushed next to Liesl and this pushed Brigitta to the front.

They waited, and waited. Louisa could hear the steps of each individual guard and began to bite her nail. Friedrich had tried to look out but Maria persuaded him to sit lower. The Captain now had his arm over four of his children and Marta could barely breathe. Brigitta was doing everything she could to keep from crying. Once it began to grow quiet they could only hear one set of feet. Liesl saw a glimpse of a soldier and gasped when she realized it was Rolf. He had loved her, made her feel special, but now Liesl could see how cruel he had been and all the pieces came together.

Finally it was completely silent and the Captain and Maria rose slowly.

He motioned for his family to wait. Brigitta and Marta just wanted to stop being squashed. Louisa was gripping Friedrich's arm with all of of her strength, part out of fear, part out of trying to hold him back.

The Captain pulled out the key to unlock the door as the children gradually peeked around the stones. The key clanked against the metal bars and immediately a guard appeared from behind a gravestone and flashed a blinding light first to Maria and the children around her and traveled to the Captain and Liesl. "Rolf Please" she implored with tears in her eyes.

The boy reached for his whistle and the Captain scrambled to open the door "no wait" everyone ran out and froze.

"Maria, children" the Captain spoke calmly and motioned his hand to tell them to go. Maria pointed to a stair case that would lead them out and the children hurried.

"Come on" Friedrich motioned for Marta. Louisa, Brigitta and Kurt ran as fast as their legs could carry them and Maria followed behind all of them. The oldest four squeezed in the back with Brigitta on top of them basically. Maria sat in the passenger seat and put Gretl on her lap. Marta went around and Maria told her "go through the drivers door and leave the door open for your father." The little girl obeyed and Gretl began to silently cry.

"Oh it's alright" Maria tried to rock one daughter as another one crawled into the seat next to her.

"Oh it's alright" Maria tried to rock one daughter as another one crawled into the seat next to her

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Maria looked back at the children's faces. She knew they were scared but in this moment she realized they were not the children, they were her children. She knew she didn't give birth to them, but she might as well have. The seven unique, but similar faces stared back at her. Maria wrapped one arm around each little girl and looked back at the other five "I love you so much" she spoke slowly and meaningfully.

Not two seconds later the Captain jumped in the car.

"He ratted us out, the twit" he gritted. "Hold on" and they sped to the base of the mountain.

Yay! They escaped (mostly). I also wanted to mention I made a few edits and added some pics in previous chapters if you wanna check em out.

Thanks for reading💛💛💛

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