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Just as agreed Max stayed at the villa with the children for the following weeks. School was set to resume soon and the children were basking in their last days of summer. Max had also taken the opportunity to convince the children themselves of participating in the festival and being naïve, they agreed.

Also their parents weren't supposed to be back for a week.

The morning of the festival Max took the children to the amphitheater to rehearse. They were just concluding when a man walked in with two guards behind him.

The man began talking with Max about how he was now in command. Liesl and Friedrich were aware of the uproar that had been happening the past few weeks. Liesl however wasn't too frightened, she trusted her father and knew he would take care of them. Friedrich on the other hand knew how valuable his father was in the eyes of the military.

"You mean to tell me that the Captain hasn't communicated with his children in over a month?" Her Zeller asked

Friedrich immediately understood they wanted something, they wanted the Captain home.

Max retorted "Her Zeller, how many men do you know who communicate with their children while on their honeymoon?" He smirked

The younger ones wanted to get back to rehearsing, they didn't understand why the mean man had come but thankfully he left.

"Come on children let's go home" Max said solemnly

"Why was he so cross?" Gretl asked as she reached for Brigitta's hand.

"Everybody's cross these days" was his disappointed reply

"Maybe the flag with the black spider on it makes people nervous" Marta suggested

"Is father going to be in trouble?" Liesl asked

"the important thing is to try to get along with everyone." He tried to save the mood.

"Are we really going to sing in front of a whole lot of people tonight?" Brigitta asked

"Yes and here are your names" Max pulled out a program "Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta, Kurt, Marta and Gretl"

"Why am I always last?" Gretl asked sternly

"Because you're the most important" Max assured

The children walked out to the car.

"Uncle Max" Brigitta began "are you sure father will approve of our singing?"

"He will be pleased and proud" he answered

"Liesl do you think so" she asked her sister.

"Don't you trust me?" Max was slightly offended


"You're a very intelligent girl" and this made her giggle.

Liesl heard her name called and ran over to a soldier. Friedrich recognized it was Rolf and watched as he handed his sister a telegram

"And that's why going to a festival is so important.." Max was saying

"Sorry" Liesl excused herself as she jumped in the car.

The children rode all the way home buzzing with excitement. They were a bit nervous but filled with good anciness.

As they pulled into the gate they saw their father pull down the flag.

"Father you're home!" Various screams arose from the children and he smiled. He had genuinely missed them.

"Hello, hello, hello!" He said happily. They jumped out of the car from all angles and ran to greet their father.

"Hello" Maria said emerging from the front door. The children immediately flocked to her.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be back till next week?" Kurt asked

"Well we came back early because.."

"We missed you!" Other children interrupted.

"Well well well we missed you" the captain said Pointing at his children and swinging Marta into his arms

"We missed you" she grinned

"We missed saying goodnight" Maria said

"We missed all the noise you make in the morning telling each other to be quiet" the Captain added which made everyone laugh

"And of course we missed hearing you sing" Maria joined

"Oh you're back just in time" Brigitta said grabbing the paper from Max "look fraulein Maria, I mean Mother" the children were still giddy over it "we're going to sing in the festival tonight."

"What?" Maria was confused as the the Captain used his free hand to grab the program from his daughter and glared at Max.

"Alright" he set Marta down "surprises for you on the terrace" the children bolted to the back of the house.

They saw an array of brightly colored boxes, one for each of them. They were thrilled as they opened them. Louisa was honestly surprised that they had taken time to get things for the children while they were gone. The Captain came out to see them for a moment admiring them. After the news he had just received he began to worry for them. He had woken up this morning on the way back home to his country and now he knew he had to leave. He sighed and walked back inside to find Liesl and Maria in the sitting room.

"Liesl" he waved her over and nodded to join the others but he smiled at her as well.

Maria got up and joined her husband in the doorway. "This" he said holding the telegram in front of her and explained how they expected him to join the imperial Navy the next day. "To refuse would be fatal for all of us, even them" the Captain knew the intentions of the evil German man. Who knows what he could be capable of? "To join would be unthinkable" he made the decision.

"I knew something like this would happen but I didn't think it would happen so soon." Maria said quietly.

"Get the children all together, don't say anything to worry them just get them ready" he wrapped his arm around his wife "we have to get out of Austria and leave this house, tonight?"

"What about Max?" Maria asked.

"I'll talk to Max, I have a plan. I've invested in some properties outside of the Reich's reach. We'll have enough to start over, not like this, but we'll survive. I have a feeling Switzerland will want to declare neutrality in the situation. We'll be free if we go there, if not we'll go to America."

"Should I tell them?" Maria asked. She was trying to figure out how to explain it to the children.

"Tell the oldest three, they'll help" the Captain suggested.

The pair walked out to the terrace and the Captain made a b-line to Max. Maria on the other hand approached her oldest son.

"I need to talk to you" she spoke quietly and got the girls attention and the four quietly slipped inside.

Well its getting crazy. I know this chapter isn't exactly exciting and I'm sorry for that but it'll get more intense the next chapter. Obviously the escape has high tension.

Thanks for reading!💛💛💛

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