We want Her Back

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The children waited outside the gate for the two oldest siblings to come join.

"Well, did you tell them we were going berry picking?" Louisa asked

"Yes" Friedrich answered.

"They agreed to let us go regardless if they believed us or not" Liesl added handing some of the kids hats and sweaters they requested.

"Okay, so we take the bus to five blocks away and try to be back in an hour to catch the one back to the station here" Louisa reviewed

"But what if we get caught?" Gretl asked.

"The key is not getting caught" Brigitta explained

"Don't worry, we have a good story" Friedrich reassured.

"Remember to let me talk first" Liesl said seriously

"Let's just go, the sooner we get back the sooner we don't have to lie" Kurt was getting ancey.

The children travelled and had enough bus fare both ways as the Captain had given his eldest son money to get to to the fields and buy the berries. They made it into town and the children were dropped off five blocks away from their destination. Then they made the trek to Nonnberg.

The children eagerly, but quietly approached the gate and the three youngest girls grabbed it and pushed their faces up to it. Liesl saw a rope that rang a small bell and she gently rang it before pushing her way to the front.

A nun walked forward to the entrance anxiously as if the children were potentially dangerous. "Yes my children" she said with a stiff smile.

"Uh my name's Liesl"

"Yes Liesl" the nun acknowledged

"We, uh my brothers and sisters, we want to see fraulein Maria"

The nun was a little puzzled "Fraulein Maria?" She wondered "Oh Maria" she said more comfortably. The children smiled. "Come in please" she opened the gste and let them in. "Wait here" she said as they had merely made it about 10 steps into a courtyard.

The children watched anxiously as they huddled and the sister approached a group of nuns. She spoke directly to one and then they both turned and looked at the children. The second nun approached them with a smile.

"I'm sister Margaretta, I understand you're inquiring about Maria"

"We have to see her, will you tell her we're here please?" Friedrich asked

"I'm afraid I can't do that" she began

"Oh but you've got to, we have to speak with her" Louisa interrupted

"She's our governess" Marta quickly explained

"We want her back" Gretl added

"She didn't even say goodbye" Kurt interjected

"It's very important" Brigitta implored

All we want to do is talk to her" Liesl explained calmly

"I'm afraid I can't do that" sister Margaretta explained "Maria's in seclusion, she hasn't been seeing anyone"

"She'll see us I know she will" Friedrich was confident

"I have to show her my finger" Gretl held up her tiny finger that was wrapped in a white bandage.

"Oh some other time dear" the nun said "I'll tell her that you were here" she began guiding them back out toward the gate with many pleas and complaints from the children.

"It's no use" Louisa said "Let's go."

One of the sweetest scenes in my opinion.

Hope you enjoy💛💛💛

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