The Window is Opened

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Maria Kutschera was not a proper postulant to say the least. She often found herself daydreaming, lost in her own technicolor mind that was filled with a child like innocence that was in itself other worldly. She was spunky, fiery and passionate. Some even compared her to things such as will of the wisps or a riddle.

Yet rather than taking offense to these things she chose to embrace them, most of the time.

She woke up on a gorgeous morning. As she sat up she looked out her tiny window to the outside world. She then turned the other way to examine her cubbyhole of a room: tiny wood bed, a firm chair and a single nightstand with a washbowl. It wasn't exactly exciting, yet to her it was her kingdom. She had flowers hanging from her window and whenever she found a sweet smelling root she put it under her pillow or the little drawers that held her belongings in order to make them smell like the outside.

Now this may seem childlike but in reality Maria was very mature for her age. A year and a half ago at 24 she left everything she knew and joined Nonnberg. She was strong in her faith, for it had helped her through her most difficult times as a child and gave her something to cling to.

Anyway, seeing as it was such a beautiful day Maria couldn't resist. She whistled her way to the mother abbess' office and asked for a day to roam the mountain behind the convent and the mother abbess, being unofficially partial to her, agreed.

The von Trapp Villa

"That's it! I've had it!" Fraulein Olga said as she stomped to the door. "These children have been plotting to drive me mad since the minute i arrived". The large, typically intimidating woman had a combination of fear and hatred in her wide eyes.

"Please fraulein. Its only been two hours" the captain began gently then more firmly added "Please gain some composure"

"I'll acquire some when they do" the woman said motioning up towards where the children's rooms were "hmph"

and the door was slammed shut.

The children emerged from the nursery upstairs and looked down towards their father below

He looked at them seriously and the once 7 excited faces faded into guilt and disappointment


"That's it! I've had it!" Said sister Bertha from down the hall. Maria had cleaned up and she and sister Margaretta were walking back towards the reverend mother's office

Once they approached the oak door, Sister Margaretta walked in as an irritated Sister Bertha walked out. Maria stood then began to pace until after what felt like a century the nun emerged and told Maria that she could go in.

Maria observed the reverend mother waiting patiently at her desk. She was wearing reading glasses and looking at a sheet of paper. Maria timidly approached the woman and after greeting retired to a wooden stool on the other side of the desk

"Maria do you feel you belong here?" The old woman spoke gently


"Sister Bertha informs me you have been causing a stir"

"That's true. You know how sister Bertha makes me kiss the floor after we've had a disagreement?" The older woman acknowledged the she knew

"Well lately I've taken to kissing the floor when I see her just to save time" the young lady explained shamefully then quietly began again "which leads me to another transgression, I was singing today without permission"

"Maria, it's only in these walls that we have rules about singing"

"But I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. Worst off I can't seem to stop saying things, anything and everything I think and feel" the young lady seemed of the verge of panic

"Some people would call that honesty" the mother replied

"Oh but it's terrible reverend mother. Please let me ask for forgiveness?" Maria bowed her head

" if it would make you feel better" the mother said slightly amused

After a beat the mother asked "Maria, what is the most important thing you've learned here?"

"To find out what is the will of God and to do it wholeheartedly"

The mother rose from her seat "Maria, it seems to be the will of God that you leave us"

Maria fell to her knees "no mother please don't send me away I'm trying and I am learning and this my home, my family it's my life"

"Maria are you ready for it?" The mother gave her a knowing look and Maria returned to her seat

"There's a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until September"

"September" Maria said under her breath

"To seven children"

"Seven children!"

"You like children Maria"

" yes but seven" Maria shook her head

"Captain von Trapp requests we send someone as he has had most difficultly trying to keep a governess"

"Uhm captain" worried Maria

"a former officer in the imperial navy, a fine man and a brave one"

Maria began to sink in her chair as she felt she was growing smaller

"Only for a time" the mother reassured

That night Maria was in her room praying before the crucifix on the wall. She felt so intimidated, humiliated. There had to be a reason she was being sent away but why would God want her anywhere but here. Maria noticed sister Margaretta outside the doorway yet the sister stared straight ahead but then looked down at the girl " you can do all things..." She smiled at Maria.

Hi I'm Ellie and i love the sound of music. Everyone i know says I'm nearly expert on the topic. However I've always wondered what went on that we didn't see so that's why i wrote this. Its all done so i just have to do edits and break it into chapters. Also there's like no sound of music stuff and that's tragic.

Also I don't own any of this it belongs to Rogers and Hammerstein. Also some quotes are word for word and others aren't bc i aint about plagiarizing.

Hope you like it. Also my notes wont normally be this long.

Remeber to read, vote and comment💛💛💛

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