Crisp Apple Streutls

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The day before the big puppet show came and the baroness had the children come to the patio. Of course it was awkward.

"So um Martha, what's your favorite color?" The baroness asked the little girl. They were all sitting at the table and Max sat on the ledge of the terrace, observing.

"Pink" whispered Marta. Liesl was more than frustrated over the fact she still called Marta 'Martha'.

"Oh, I prefer purple, much more elegant" the glamorous woman smirked. None of the children knew how to respond as Marta sunk in her chair.

Louisa looked at Max with a look that begged for help. Max of course was just as uncomfortable as the children, and he was sitting away from the group.

"I think that's enough riveting conversation for one day" Max stood and clapped his hands "run along children, the baroness needs to uh, reflect" he smiled awkwardly

Louisa smiled at him slightly and he nodded once in response. The children all walked back into the house.

Gretl wanted to go to the nursery and Kurt wanted to finish his book so Liesl joined them upstairs and decided to enjoy some alone time in her own room.

The other four children were restless.

"Do you want to go see the birds?" Friedrich asked his sisters already knowing the response.

"Sure" Louisa said

"Let's go now!" Marta jumped a little and tugged at her brother's sleeve.

So the siblings set off for the door just as Maria was as well.

"Fraulien Maria, where are you going?" Brigitta asked surprised.

"Oh, I'm going to the market to buy apples for some streutl" she said swinging her basket. Just then the Captain slowly joined them from his study.

"I heard streutl" he said walking towards them with his arms raised in surrender and a smirk.

"We're going to have apple streutl" Marta said turning to her father.

"As if you need any more sugar" he said reaching to her stomach as she tried to fight back, but couldn't due to laughter.

Maria smiled, then spoke "I better go before Schroeder Market closes" as she grabbed the knob

"You know Frasier Market has better apples" the Captain said

"Really, I've never gotten then from there. Thank you" she replied.

Maria left in a hurry and the Captain quickly turned to his children but his eyes lingered on the door.

"What are you up to?" He asked his children.

"We're going to check on the birds nest in the garden" Brigitta explained.

"Ah, I see, well have fun" he smiled, clenched his fists and looked back to the door.

Just then the baroness descended the stairs "Georg, I fancy a walk, care to join?" She glided down the stairs and the Captain nodded and smiled slightly and the pair linked arms and walked towards the back garden.

The children were surprised over how kind their father had been to Maria the past few days and Friedrich and Brigitta noticed how their father acted differently towards the baroness, almost as if he was taken aback or jumpy when she appeared. Brigitta was struck with an idea at that moment, what if there was a reason her father was nice to Maria. But that was ridiculous wasn't it?

"Are you coming?" Louisa asked nudging her sister's shoulder.

"Yes" Brigitta snapped out of it and the sisters ran outside.

Meanwhile Liesl had played with Gretl for a bit before she occupied herself and she had Kurt, who had put down his book in order to be Gretl's pet dragon in her game. Liesl went to her room and began to stitch. That's what she liked.

She loved elegant things like silks and roses and sketched little designs to later put on pillows or blankets.

After a while she heard a little bit of commotion so she went downstairs and followed the ruckus down the hall to the kitchen and pressed her ear up to the door, all the while making sure she wasn't being watched.

"No you hold this one and catch it with this hand" she heard Maria's voice. She then heard something hit the ground and then heard a voice say "oh no!" And it was her father

Liesl cracked the door and peeked in. Maria was teaching her father how to juggle apples, which he was honestly terrible at. But they would pick them up and try again and laugh. Liesl thought it was nice that they were getting along better than they had been.

"We should probably save some to actually eat before they get bruised" Maria suggested while laughing.

"Spying are we?" Liesl heard a voice say as a hamd touched her shoulder. She quickly turned around to find Louisa smirking at her.

"Gosh Lou, you scared me" Liesl grabbed her chest

"I think I'm rubbing off on you" Louisa giggled and tossed her golden hair back. Liesl rolled her eyes.

"Let me see" Louisa pushed past her sister.

"Shh, if you're too loud then the others will come and make a scene"

Louisa looked through the crack that Liesl was looking through and witnessed the silliness inside.

Louisa just turned and looked at her sister and Liesl just shrugged.

"But, Liesl this is great! We were right. Just like the birds" Louisa whispered loudly.

"What's just like the birds?" Gretl came trotting up somewhat loudly.

"Nothing Gretl let's go practice for tomorrow" Liesl grabbed her tiny sister's hand and motioned for Louisa to get in front of her so that she wouldn't keep spying.

That night Liesl lay in her bed and got to thinking about what she saw that afternoon. She liked Maria and so far the plan had worked. Everyone was good to each other and getting along. She loved her father and wanted the best for him. She had seen how happy he could be and she wanted to keep it that way because he deserved it. However, she loved Maria too and she knew that she had grown to love her and her siblings as her own. She had even heard Gretl accidentally call Maria "mother" one day.

Liesl also knew good and well that the baroness was most likely going to send them to boarding school and send the girls to finishing school instead of college or a career, which was not what her own mother wanted. Liesl's mother had wanted all of her children to follow their dreams but enjoy their childhood. Liesl had enjoyed being a kid again for the past few months but she knew if she got sent away she would have to grow up again. But at the same time Father and Maria didn't love each other and what would be the point if they didn't. Liesl decided to keep these thoughts to herself as she didn't want her younger siblings to get the wrong idea. Yet she secretly wished that something good would happen in that regard. Her brothers and sisters deserved a mother that they needed.

Welp this is longer one! I hope you enjoyed. I don't really have a lot other to say than that😂

Thanks for reading💛💛💛

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