When it Trips and Falls

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The house was beginning to buzz with more preparations and the children were eating it up. They loved that the house was filled with cakes and flowers and plenty of shenanigans.

One afternoon the children were sent out do go make bouquets to see which combination of flowers looked the best. The children of course turned it into a competition. Marta had soon wandered off and eventually they realized she was gone.

"Maria" Louisa and Gretl ran into the house. Gretl bumped into Franz who looked more irritated than usual "Oh Franz have you seen Maria?" Louisa asked quickly

"What is it? What's wrong?" The captain came out of his study with a jaunt.

"Marta's gone" Gretl said

"She must've wandered off because we can't find her" Louisa explained. The Captain followed his daughters outside and Friedrich greeted them.

"Father" He began "I have an idea of where to look"

The duo rushed off to the side garden to no avail so they continued to look all over the property and began approaching the edge. Friedrich ran with his father not far behind.

They looked around the trees and bushes but there was no Marta. Everything was simply quiet. Squirrels were running around and robins flew silently overhead. Soon though a bush began to rattle and nearly silent whimpers could be heard behind it.

Friedrich and his father approached the bush quietly and walked around it's wide circumference. There sat Marta. Her light blue dress and her braid gone wild and she was clutching her knee.

"Marta" they both sighed

"Marta darling what happened?" The captain got on his knees and leaned to her. Friedrich also knelt beside her.

"I-i" she sniffed " I was picking flowers but I saw a bunny and chased it a-and it ran over here until it ran into this bush so I followed it down the hill but I fell and rolled down it and landed in the bush" she was crying at this point.

Friedrich helped her up "Why didn't you try to come find us?" He asked and Marta just looked down at her bloodied and bruised knee.

"Well don't worry, we'll take you back" the Captain said gently. Marta looked a bit timid and reached for her brother instead. It wasn't that she didn't like her father it was just she was still getting used to him. The Captain looked disappointed because moments like these only reminded him how he still had a long way to go with his children. He really did want a better relationship with them. Friedrich noticed the look on his father's face

"Why don't you have Father carry you, he's much stronger than me" Friedrich suggested looking at his sister. She brushed some hair out of her face and turned to her father and reached up to him. The Captain picked her up on his hip and and the three began the trek back to the house. All along taking breaks to spin his daughter around or throw her in the air and catch her.

Maria and the girls were on the terrace sitting around the table, taking a break and waiting patiently for the return of the others. Kurt of course had gone in to grab a snack.

"I hope they find her" Louisa said propping her head on her hand at the table.

"It's not like she's dead, she's here just not, right here" Liesl smirked a bit

"I'm just worried" Louisa mumbled

"You're such a worry wart" Brigitta stated from across the table.

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

Liesl crossed her arms and rolled her eyes as she got up from her seat and joined Maria where she was standing at the head of the table.

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Enough!" Maria looked up from where she was helping Gretl make a flower crown as she sat on the table. The two bickering girls snapped their heads in her direction.

"You are going to make everyone else loose their minds if you continue that obnoxious argument" she said much more calmly but still serious

"Yes ma'am" Both Louisa and Brigitta mumbled and sank in their chairs. Maria and Gretl resumed and Liesl watched for a bit until she saw the three coming back

"They found her!" Liesl said.

Marta thought she'd been gone a year and everyone treated her as such, greeting her with hugs and kisses and kind words. The captain set her on the table and everyone surrounded her as she recounted the tale of the bunny and everyone pitied her poor little knee.

"I'll patch it up, did you get any extra dirt in it?" Maria asked. The captain was standing next to her and he made eye contact with his oldest son, knowing they played with her in order to distract her from the pain. Maria noticed this and looked at the Captain and gave him a look to which he smiled and she couldn't help but smirk. Maria picked up Marta and carried her back into the house and within seconds they all heard Maria's voice echo from the house in a joking manner.

"What on earth are we going to do with your father"

Welp there's one more. I know I'm stretching the engagement out but there's only one more. I also decided I'm not going to dedicate a whole chapter to the wedding because I feel like it's fairly self explanatory but it will be mentioned.

Hope you enjoyed!💛💛💛

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