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After 5 years

Kim Taehyung pov***

"omma appa wake up!!" taejoon jump on the bed with taeyeon

"boys stop it" y/n mumble than sit up

taeyeon sit on her lap while taejoon sit on my stomach

"good morning my family" i great them

"good morning" they replied

"come on let eat something im hungry plus today is my BIRTHDAY!" tarjoon shout making us laugh

"we know that baby boy now go wash yourself while i cook breakfast " y/n said to them they quickly went out of our room

i circle her waist then nuzzle my face on her neck "morning beautiful"

"morning my handsome husband" she giggle

" *chuckle* let clean up before they come again " i said then we did our morning routine then eat breakfast

today is taejoon birthday he is turning 4years old today and taeyeon is our second son 2years old and we are expecting new member which the gender will be revealed today

(in the evening)

*ding dong*

"tae can you take the door please!" y/n shout feom upstairs, she is changing for the celebration

i went to open the door

its my friend bts and twice

"come in, im glad you can be here" i welcome them in

"sejin hyung! yora! naeun! junghee!" taejoon run to the kids

well let me tell you a bit about what happened

"well jin hyung and jisoo unnie are still married but sadly they can't have another baby apart from the twins, yoongi hyung and mina already have two kids naeun 4 years old girl and mingi 3months old baby boy, hoseok and momo sadly broke up and hoseok hyung is still single but he adopted Yora while momo is married to an idol heechul, jimin as expected is now engaged to his enemy aka his lover jeongyeon, jungkook and nayeon are already married and have 3 children Sejin 5 years old well nayeon is already pregnant when they are engage and Junghee 3 years old and lovely hayeon 1 years old"

"oh your here?" y/n came down the stairs with a beautiful red dress

she never failed to surprise me, after 5 years of marring her i still felt the same butterflies i felt 5years ago

"then lets start the party!" jimin shout

there are also our parents and a few other friends

we were enjoying the party a lot and the guys also perform and sing a little bit

"now its time for the gender reveal please Mr.& Mrs.Kim come up on the stage " our mc jin hyung and jisoo unnie announced

we went up holding hands "i don't get why im always nervous i already did twice yet i still feel the same" y/n whispee in my ears made me chuckle which i earn a glare from her

"i love you too" i peck her lips then chuckle again

"now time for the popping" jin hyung gave us a pin to pop the Ballon

"it mus be girl!" jungkook shout

"no! its gonna be a boy!" jimin said

they are betting over the gender of the baby, silly boys sometimes i wonder how can this childish mans own one of the largest company here

"Lets count 1...........2.............3!" then we pop the ballon

a pink confetti flew everywhere i look back at y/n to saw her in tears, she really want a girl this time and god grace us with it

i hug her then gave her a passionate kiss

"thank you for making my life a perfect fairytale ma Queen"

" your welcome my Mr.Handsome" she said back the went in for another kiss

                              * THE END *

Mr . Handsome | °~kim taehyung ~°  (Completed✔)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum